Almost done? Help me please


Active Member
Ok guys first post for me :mrgreen: but unfortunately it isn't a happy one. Me and my buddy had to leave our girls for a long weekend and they experienced some serious heat stress. We lost a few fan leaves but many of them came back, some better than others. I'm wondering how much longer they have to go because many of the trichomes are starting to get an amber color. Another thing is I havn't started flushing yet so i was wondering when i should start. Last thing i promise, my buds are nice and crystally but havn't started to fatten up, is there anything i can do?

Thanks in advance bongsmiliebongsmilie



from just looking at them, i would say you have 1, prob 2 weeks left... looks pretty damn good to me bro... enjoy!


Active Member
thanks man, appreciate the advice and compliment! any have any idea about when the start flushing and when i can expect these babies to fatten up?


Active Member
You should start flushing now if you plan on havesting in two weeks. Also try a product like FloraKleen, it should help to fatten the nugs a bit. Looking good. Also at what stage did you top the plants?


Active Member
i topped them around 18inches because 2 of the original 6 were very stretched. it was after prolly 2.5 weeks of veg and 1.5 weeks before 12/12. the other 1 i split was a male. i'm excited to see which one yields the most, split or not

thanks for the comment dirtcurt, i'll have to look for some FloraKleen real quick


Well-Known Member
Here are some updates... i have been flushing for two days now and they are really fattening up! i'm prolly gonna harvest in 5-6 days. any input would be great! thanks all :joint:
Wow dude good job. They have really fattened up in just two days. Great work i would say you have a week left tops but if the trichs are where you want them then chop :twisted:


Active Member
i appreciate the kind words dr. :blsmoke: these last few days feel like torture but i think the real torture will be waiting for them to cure haha