Almost Time To Chop


Active Member
well it is almost time for my first harvest i figure i have a week or two left since they just began to turn amber. I am running 5 gal dwc's 4 snow white 4 wonder woman and one bag seed........damn sativa is out of controll and has a while yet but here are the pic's of the snow white and wonder woman i took today there is a lot of pics but there was a lot to take pics of enjoy and let me know what you think



Active Member
thanks im already planning my second grow within 2 weeks of harvest and going to do some slt this time and less plants it should be wonderfull


Well-Known Member
lst rox.... get a personal magnifying scope from radioshack. they have them for like 12.99. its a miniature microscope that ranges from 30-100x. determine the percentage of milky white and amber trichome heads. depending on your strain, and how much body stone you like, i think you can range from 5%-30% amber before thc starts degrading. theres only like a 5-10 day window when the thc is at its peak. just make sure the rest of the trichomes are white, not clear though.
lookin great!


Active Member
im glad you like them i do have a scope and am watching them and i will be chopping the main cola's this weekend if things go as planned i cant wait with it being my first harvest but i have been able to controll the erge to chop early i just hope that it turns out for the weight to be worth it