Well-Known Member
lets all start stockpiling arms, and ammunitons
I don't see your point-In no way would it be easy for the south or the U.S. to over take the NorthThis is not about the Chinese, although they'd rather have a communist north korea on their boarder then a U.S. backed reunited Korea. If there was open war between the north and ROK/U.S. the Chinese know they would start ww3 by sending their own troops into the mix, which is NOT what they want. Imo China is not interested in building a world empire, they already have vast resources and enough people to worry about. A long history of invasions by neighbors and the unresolved tension with North Korea have prompted South Korea to allocate 2.6% of its GDP and 15% of all government spending to its military, while maintaining compulsory conscription for men. All South Korean males are constitutionally required to serve in the military, typically for a period of two years. South Korea has the world's sixth largest number of active troops, the world's second-largest number of reserve troops and the eleventh largest defense budget. The Republic of Korea, with a regular military force numbering 3.7 million regular personnel among a total national population of 50 million people, has the second highest number of soldiers per capita in the world.
South Korea
Active: 687,000
Reserve: 8,000,000
Backed by the US 8th army 20k troops
20k Marines in Japan
North Korea
Active: 1,106,000
Reserve: 8,200,000
The allied forces have MUCH better equipment, moral, training, logistics and modern technology on their side.
Why do you keep posting that crap, you Have no idea what you're talking about. stop talking already. Seriously know wtf you're talking about or stfu, your posts are filled with ignorance.
My Google works to-I like the part about how I need to STFU and how ignorant I amThis is not about the Chinese, although they'd rather have a communist north korea on their boarder then a U.S. backed reunited Korea. If there was open war between the north and ROK/U.S. the Chinese know they would start ww3 by sending their own troops into the mix, which is NOT what they want. Imo China is not interested in building a world empire, they already have vast resources and enough people to worry about. A long history of invasions by neighbors and the unresolved tension with North Korea have prompted South Korea to allocate 2.6% of its GDP and 15% of all government spending to its military, while maintaining compulsory conscription for men. All South Korean males are constitutionally required to serve in the military, typically for a period of two years. South Korea has the world's sixth largest number of active troops, the world's second-largest number of reserve troops and the eleventh largest defense budget. The Republic of Korea, with a regular military force numbering 3.7 million regular personnel among a total national population of 50 million people, has the second highest number of soldiers per capita in the world.
South Korea
Active: 687,000
Reserve: 8,000,000
Backed by the US 8th army 20k troops
20k Marines in Japan
North Korea
Active: 1,106,000
Reserve: 8,200,000
The allied forces have MUCH better equipment, moral, training, logistics and modern technology on their side.
The funny thing is I wasn't insulting you or questioning the validity of your points. I questioned our willingness and ability to defend S. Korea if the North were to go for it right now. I'm not sure if our country would be ready for a war like that and weather we might be getting forced into it right now.Toss my salad ! ! !
That was never the point of posting. I was responding to a comment that the north would wipe out the south and making the point that the two sides are more closely matched than one might think. I just quoted you when I should have quoted others as well but multi quoting is not something I'm great at. Ignorance is lack of knowledge and not to be confused with the word stupid. Someone mention mortars going 100 miles and that's why I said that because clearly they didn't know what they were talking about.I don't see your point-In no way would it be easy for the south or the U.S. to over take the North
I think now maybe thay could pretty much just take them over-yes it would be ugly but I think the N. could get the South to surrender and join the north as one korea pretty quickly. I think the north is much harder and more mentaly ready for major losses and I think the U.S. may or may not shy away from a Major engagement right now. I'm not sure what our response would be but either way it wouldn't be good. I just think the North might be crazy enough to go for it and with our economy as bad as it is and wars allready dragging on this might be as good a time as any I'm not sure if we would fight or withdraw and let S Korea fall.That was never the point of posting. I was responding to a comment that the north would wipe out the south and making the point that the two sides are more closely matched than one might think.
LOL nodrama, i guess theres something we do see eye to eye on.....BTW semper fi brother
Yea and when NK was about to lose China invaded with 200k troops. But now I wouldn't except them to back NK militarily.Not that I'm a fan of interventionist policies, but the U.S. should be talking to China about the Korean problem or pull out entirely which isn't going to happen. During the Korean war 60 years ago, many of the N. Korean troops were "volunteers" from China. It's one thing to kick N. Korea's butt, another to get into it with China.
Let's see how did that little chant go they taught us during the last nuclear war threat ? Drop, tuck and roll or something like that.
So, where you gonna go?? If the big one starts, you'll either die immediately, later from radiation poisoning, or starve to death in the wilderness or be eaten by wild animals. I prefer the immeadiate death syndrome, no worries here, drop the bomb right on top of my house. I sure as hell don't want to die from radiation poisoning, or be all alone in the wilderness, but actually, I'll have no worries, Las Vegas is a nuke storehouse, Nellis AFB has a few thousand tactical nukes stored there, one direct hit and southern Nevada will be a smoking crater.