Aloe flakes


Active Member
Been wanting to try aloe, and have been looking around. I noticed that Build and KIS both use active aloe brand 200x flakes. Does anybody know of any alternatives? Being on the east coast, I don’t think I’ll find some natural aloe or coconut water in stores here.
I did find a website that is a little cheaper. Any suggestions?
Started growing aloe for the same benefits. 1 $12 aloe plant has turned into 6 more plants; I do’s not know how easily they make babies. Keep giving them away to friends; look very nice as gift in a trendy planter. They thrive on a windowsill; also on the East coast USA btw.
When the leaves get too big I just saw them off. The leaves can be composted in a worm bin or backyard pile and/or just tossed into recycling soil. The Aloe gel can be messy and gross but works well as a rooting conditioner. If you want to help some freshly rooted clones establish a root system quickly, dip the roots first in natural aloe gel and then into granular mycorrhizae. Also good for relieving sunburn or minor skin burns, insect bites & basic first aid.
Been wanting to try aloe, and have been looking around. I noticed that Build and KIS both use active aloe brand 200x flakes. Does anybody know of any alternatives? Being on the east coast, I don’t think I’ll find some natural aloe or coconut water in stores here.
I did find a website that is a little cheaper. Any suggestions?
I purchased the 200x Aloe flakes from BuildASoil earlier this year. I really don't have a baseline to compare it to, so I can't tell you if it works or not. However, the amount required is very small and the smallest bag can last a home grower for a long time. For my next garden, I will be using 1/8 tsp. Aloe 1-3 times a week. These were the instructions from BuildASoil when I asked about frequency.

I hope this helps your decision on where to go next!
I've considered those aloe flakes multiple times but just seemed so expensive. Figured there had to be cheaper sources if you didn't want to grow your own. I have tried the coco water but can't say I gave it a go enough to really quantify any benefits - just no harm.
So far so good. Been watering with aloe, the build a soil coconut water powder and top dressed with some malted barley. I’m a noob, but these have started out much better than my last attempt at indoor. Here’s a pic from today. 16 days since I popped the seeds in solo cups. Been watering my “sip” or “earthbox outdoors with the same and it has liked it too. Gonna try a smaller storage tote the same style alongside my fabric pots indoor. I’m pumped! Thanks for all the advice and feedback guys.


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I’ve been on a bit of a kick, searching for cheaper aloe after running out of my 100 gram pack. I found some alternative sources, and wanted to post them for the community. 1/2 Pound of 200x Aloe powder for $24.[prefix]=last. 1 Pound 200x Aloe powder for $42

Compare to : $150 for 10 OZ (5/8 of a pound)

$ 63.75 for 1/4 Pound at BuildASoil = almost $250 a POUND.