Aloha, I'm Auntie Lill from Maui, treating cancer wth hash oil

Aloha, I'm probably the age of your mother or grandmother (Tutu in Hawaiian) , and I'm fighting cancer with hash oil. Its an aggressive BCC, for which the medical answer is to cut off my nose , leave a hole on my face and rebuild it with neck skin over the course of a couple years. When I called my 4 children (ages 21 to 35) and told them I wasn't going down the medical route they understood . Two days later I was reading about a father who cured his son's brain cancer with hash oil. So I'm using it, documenting the (GREAT) results, but I'm going broke from buying about a pound per month. So I'm here to buy seeds and start my next "career" as a grower! I make the best Honey Oil (10 months of practice) but any advice you can share about growing I can use. Heres to our good health, and getting the truth out about how the cure for cancer is all ready here. Mahalo.


Well-Known Member
Nice to meet you,wish you the best.

are you planning on growing indoor or outdoor?
keep it simple and you shouldn't have a problem growing.

Gesh hate to hear about your cancer, but really looking forward to your recovery with hash oil! I wish you the best of luck and hope some experienced growers see this post.

Sorry maybe I could be of some help. I was told that attitude seedbank has just about anything you're looking for so search em up.


Active Member
Very sorry about the cancer.You've come to a great place to learn! Good luck with treatment hope all goes well keep us informed on the progress!


Well-Known Member
...hello and welcome Lill, i'm a grandpa myself so you won't be the only senior around these parts, lol.

...anyway, i'm sorry to hear about the cancer and i pray you win your battle with it., in an effort to help out here are a few links, the first is to Rick Simpson's website, Phoenix Tears and if you haven't heard of Rick then you need to check out his website and videos, he has helped many, many cancer patients.

Phoenix Tears

these next few are grow related, the first to a fellow Hawaiian who is doing some amazing things in a very small space and he is a great guy, in time you might could meet in the real world, ...either way i'm sure you will hit it off with him and i'm also sure you will be impressed with his results. (be sure to check out his other threads as he has a few and all are well worth the read)

The Silver Hawaiian

...these next few are to threads discussing simple approach's to some key elements to successful growing and when you are first starting out, simple is good.

...this first is to a discussion on a passive hydroponic system that is adapted from ancient technology probably dating back to the Romans and while it discusses the use of a perlite/vermiculite mix as the grow medium, there are many, including myself, who prefer coco as the growing medium. (most of the information you'll find in this thread is applicable and if you have any questions there are many of us who will do our best to answer them)
The Official Hempy Bucket Thread

...this next thread is to a discussion on the use of MaxiBloom as a sole nutrient and it does an admirable job all by itself, there are MANY growers who use nothing but MaxiBloom from seed to harvest and swear by it.
*The K.I.S.S. Method*

...this next thread is a discussion on a very simple and passive approach to cloning that is very reliable and inexpensive to run.
World class cloner new at walmart

...and this last thread explains why orienting your bulbs vertically is so much more productive than orienting them horizontally
Benefits of Vertical Growing

anyway, if you have any questions or problems please feel free to ask, as i said, there are many who will gladly help you if they can.

peace, bozo