alot of people say.......


Active Member
some people just cant admit that they are wrong lol yeah i know what you mean with wasting good seeds but im sure that one i dug up will be fine.........i hope lol


Well-Known Member
This was first published in Bill Drakes book the Cultivators Handbook of Marijuana, the first cannabis "bible". Unfortunately he wasn't out for money so very few people own a copy of that. Everyone has got this notion of root tip down from Cervantes who said you should do it with rockwool, as it has a tendency to push out, which I agree with to a point. He failed however to explain why you should plant it tip up in soil, maybe because it should already be the accepted method. ;)


Well-Known Member
i don't get it. this is one of the lamest debates i've ever come across. especially when using green bean seeds as an example. :roll:

just plant it and move on. :)

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Exactly as faded said.
Plant the seed and it will find its way to the surface, if it dosent, plant another one.


Well-Known Member
green bean seeds......... more like big buddah cheese seeds

really? :neutral:

^^^^^^^ that is WRONG. they don't always do that. at least mine don't.

i showed pics of seeds with the root clearly pointed down. they never curled, curved, bent or otherwise. the root grew straight down, the seed cap grew straight up. did you all miss my pictures, or what?

seed don't give a damn which way it's planted. it knows better than you do. it''s a seed. ;)


Well-Known Member
Cannabis is no different than green beans. They are both Dicots.

The up and down root growth many propose is of Monocots. Like corn and grass.


Active Member
i thought you where on about my picture lol, anyway if this debate is as lame as you say why did you join it? i am only asking people's opionins on the matter, i asked if people point it up, down or just throw it in any old way and what do they think of the article


Well-Known Member
i thought you where on about my picture lol, anyway if this debate is as lame as you say why did you join it? i am only asking people's opionins on the matter, i asked if people point it up, down or just throw it in any old way and what do they think of the article
i'm on it to try to stop it. it's been dribbling around the forum for a week now. squash it. :fire:

i gave my opinion, as you asked. ;)

bongsmilie :peace:


Active Member
yeah your right you are just giving your opinion, i just cant understand how they curl with me and not with you?


Well-Known Member
yeah your right you are just giving your opinion, i just cant understand how they curl with me and not with you?
yeah, i point them down and have never seen that whole S curve thing. :neutral:
i always planted them down because that was the way they grew. i never knew better. ;)
i don't think too hard about things and somehow it just works. :)


Active Member
im more of a throw it in and let it do its own thing kind of guy, and that always works for me, just want to know other thoughts on the matter


Well-Known Member
im more of a throw it in and let it do its own thing kind of guy, and that always works for me, just want to know other thoughts on the matter
this is what i typically do. i use jiffy plugs so i just push them in and call it good. those pictured were pointed down intentionally though. they grew just fine.


Well-Known Member

Mandala says to orient them hoizontally because its "easier".
DrGreenthumb recommends planting with the root tip up.
Bill Drake recommends root tip up.
USDA research on dicots proves Hypocotyl end DOWN is very unsuccessful.

NO ONE has a valid reason for planting root tip down.



Well-Known Member
dose the plant grow better as a whole,when planting the root tip up?
im not getting it,im trying to slow my brain down to understand.
its jus an seed.


Well-Known Member

Mandala says to orient them hoizontally because its "easier".
DrGreenthumb recommends planting with the root tip up.
Bill Drake recommends root tip up.
USDA research on dicots proves Hypocotyl end DOWN is very unsuccessful.

NO ONE has a valid reason for planting root tip down.


how about, "because that is the way it grows. tap root down." pretty basic stuff. ;)

dose the plant grow better as a whole,when planting the root tip up?
im not getting it,im trying to slow my brain down to understand.
its jus an seed.
i don't get it either. the root grows downward so i point it downward and it grows straight downward. somewhere, i'm told, i'm doing something wrong. :neutral:


Active Member
God made those little boogers know how to grow. When they grow in the wild nothing comes along and makes sure how the seed is laying.