alright setup for now or not?


my closet it my grow room and i use 3 100watt fluorescents for light and they seem to be growing pretty good, should i change or what?


Well-Known Member
are you using 100w equivalent's or 100 true watts CFL's? If its the latter than you are fine, if its the first than youll need more lighting if you want denser buds.


Well-Known Member
depends on your number of plants and as said whether those are 100 watt equivalent (i bet you) or 100 watt actual. by the time you are flowering you want at least 3000 lumens per square foot of growing area and preferably 7000 to 10000 lumens per square foot.

to help you:

cfl 13 actual watts/60 equivalent: 850 lumens
cfl 26 actual watts/100 equivalent: 1,750 lumens
cfl 42 actual watts/150 equivalent: 2,750 lumens
cfl 68 actual watts/250 equivalent: 4,200 lumens


Well-Known Member
42W are the most efficient lumen/W wise; but they put off some heat. Definitely enough to handle in say a PC case though.


Well-Known Member
what you most likely have is three 26 actual watt light bulbs. that's enough light for one small female in flowering. if both your plants turn out female, you should at least double the amount of light, if not more.


Well-Known Member
i have read lots and lots of threads on here and desert rat is allways spot on,so take all his info on bord,peace out..


alright thanks desert ill take your advice bro, and by the way your pic is wierd as a bitch haha, (in a good way)


Well-Known Member
desertrat, please check out my thread on outdoor growing,i need some help
white widow grow got to go outdoors.