alrighty vaping pens.. what do you guys think of this


New Member
sooo. I got a buddy who works in a live gas plant. we used to smoke dug outs in the plant which is pretty ballsy to say the least (I started that fad he he he) then people got cocky and brought pipes... then they got real cocky/comfortable and started bringing joints to work... insane, somewhere that pre employment piss tests and doesnt let you have lighters, cell phone, or any other intrinsically safe items out there. anyways, eventually a group got caught and shit went downhill fast, now the white hats are onto it like hawks and have no mercy.

anyways, my buddies have figured out a way around everything... they have these little smokeless vaporizing pen things that they hit all day long and people dont know!!! he said he even hits it in the smoke pit... fucking insane! ive seen them talked about here before. I cant remember what its called. it was solid, black and cost like 80$.

anyways, he was telling me about it... they mix it 1 part BHO to 3 parts ISO...this is where it worried me.... theyre smoking ISO.. wtf, is that ok?

then they take that mix, mix it with rum butter flavour, and a little blueberry. it actually tastes quite nice with the rum butter... but it felt like I smoked tobacco. I literally felt lighter, and like I was floating after having a hoot... was that the ISO being smoked that made me feel light headed and half drunk kinda?

how do you guys smoke outta those vape pens... that thing was pretty damn cool if you didnt have to thin it with ISO to smoke it. not cool. he said without the ISO the oil is too thick and burns up the atmoizer or something.


Active Member
They really are awesome if you can find a good one. The atomizer/ heating element, which is generally a coil, is the problem with a lot of these pens though. They seem to die out esp from heavy use or over packing. I have been using mine now for about a month or two and it is amazing. I bring it everywhere and rip it everywhere. I don't put iso in mine that just sounds wack! I dont do anything special to my oil just leave it as is and throw her in that thing. Most people think it's and e-cig or something of the such. They really are great!


New Member
yeah the ISO part is mainly what I want your guys opinions about... theres gotta be a better way to do it?

oh yeah, and also forgot, he said he mixes it like 1 part BHO with 1 part glycerin oil or something with 3 parts ISO.

then takes that mix, mixes it with 1:3 flavor or something and smokes it... seems sketchy to me. and like I said, 1 hit made me feel like I was floating. I almost kinda liked it.. sure hope it wasnt the ISO or im gonna start smoking ISO haha.


Well-Known Member
Don't make ISO hash oil, it's probably one of you can make. It's extremely bad to smoke it and has a ton of impurities. Put some on a mirror and let it evaporate away, all of the white and almost oily residue you are smoking are the impurities.

Look into making BHO, and make sure you get quality butane without a lot of impurities. They all claim to have close to zero, but you can do your own test to find out. The exact one I just described with the mirror.

Research how to make BHO. A hundred times better then ISO hash oil and taste amazing. If done correctly, and you use good material, you can see a yield of 15-25%. Both will get you high no doubt, but ISO in my book is a no no. Your name is vacpurge you should know better then fking with ISO.

As for the pens, I bought this black one about a year or so ago. Big, solid, feels like it's indestructible. It's still kicking strong, the battery is starting to go, not as many puffs per charge, but I mean everything does that from cellphones to cars lol.


New Member
Don't make ISO hash oil, it's probably one of you can make. It's extremely bad to smoke it and has a ton of impurities. Put some on a mirror and let it evaporate away, all of the white and almost oily residue you are smoking are the impurities.

Look into making BHO, and make sure you get quality butane without a lot of impurities. They all claim to have close to zero, but you can do your own test to find out. The exact one I just described with the mirror.

Research how to make BHO. A hundred times better then ISO hash oil and taste amazing. If done correctly, and you use good material, you can see a yield of 15-25%. Both will get you high no doubt, but ISO in my book is a no no. Your name is vacpurge you should know better then fking with ISO.
are you fucking kidding me????? did you even read my posts??? obviously not. thanks for trying to help but come onnnnnn.

Look into making BHO. Research how to make BHO. Your name is vacpurge you should know better then fking with ISO.


Well-Known Member
He is using a clear liquid filled top, most come with a solid top, I prefer to just put my oil on my coil.
ISO, BHO, CO2 as long as its a good quality Oil the impurities are supposed to be minimized in the Oil production.

The Head Buzz is probably from drawing harder and getting more air in your pull.

Look on EBAY, some sell for $30 - $80+!

I have bought three and like a child I play with the case more than I use the pen.
Its great if you want to Dab Oil if you can afford the stuff!

I love Oil, just not enough to want to pay a daily or even weekly use.

I loved it so much I learned to make it the day after my first smoke!

To me it's Birthday, Hoildays etc when I will splurge and get a Gram, if I do.

1 gram can go a long way in a pen if you only put in small amounts and don't be wasteful.

Take 2 pulls and wait, you will get high if the Oil is good.

Honestly, I think the shit is great if you like a Blow your Socks off Buzz.

Like back in the Day I was a fan of blow.

Only on weekends was the plan, but I ended up with a Five year daily habit.

Oil reminds me , just a little bit like sitting around the mirror.
if I smoke to to much I feel it, I know it is seriously a quick habit forming addictive drug.
(dont like that feeling....)

I smoke Bud every day thru the day for 30 plus years and even with that habit my use does not evoke the kind of craving.

Maybe it's me and my addictive personality, but I don't use any other substance than Bud.
I learned the painful way, Now I don't even drink....

Oil smoked in the pens is Not so powerful, but when you get the torch out and a titanium Nail in an Oil Rig is
when the shit will get you so high you can fall over or even Puke.

I Learned not to take Huge Rips the hard way, it expands more than anything I have smoked in over 30 years of smoking.



Well-Known Member
Any Oil may contain impurities, unless its made with Water like Bubble Hash.

BHO can have Benzene in it, to make it properly you must buy more expensive butane that is supposed to be five times cleaner than the butane in a Bic.

ISO is not going to have benzene but if you didn't make it how do you really know how it was processed.

And for. Whoever was touting BHO as Better than ISO, why do you clean your BHO with ISO as one of the last steps in making it.


Active Member
I don't think trying it one time would do anything put prolonged inhalation of the vapours is extremely dangerous, wold you stick you face over your pot when making oil lol not likely right not quite the same but if your friends toke like that often I would caution them and tell them to do some research on the affects of inhaling iso vapours

Tell them just to do some hot knives with the oil (old school)


Well-Known Member
First thing I saw was smoking ISO, I would address your main problem first before going deeper into putting oil in e-cigs, when they make perfectly fine vape pens. Mixing iso and bho lol. They made honey oil 30 years and just let it sit in high proof liquior like everclear for 30 days and it still kicked you ass when you smoked it, but you can't compare that to newer and better methods. Just cook some iso off and see for yourselves... First step, don't smoke ISO. Now don't go and get ahead of yourself man, no reason to be harsh.


New Member
haha man I guess you guys just dont get the whole point of this thread.

THEY MIX THEIR PROPERLY MADE BHO WITH ISO TO DILUTE IT. POUR IT INTO THE PEN. AND FUCKING SMOKE IT.. understand now?!?!!? maybe im the only one concerned about that. I dont care about the pen or price, I dont care about the BHO vs ISO. I know about that already. hot knives?!?! I think you missed the part where they are using it at work discreetly in front of others.....

I want to know what you guys think about them thinning out their BHO ( and yes. I know how to fucking make it) with ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL, then smoking it in their little vape pens at work. theres gotta be a better more safer way than ISO.

and no, the headrush wasnt because I was light headed... I literally felt 50 lbs lighter, and wobbly and kinda drunk...(alcohol has touched my lips twice in my life... 3 or 4 beers total, last time was 4 years ago so I feel it HARD) it HAD to be the ISO. theyre all immune to it, and the rum butter kills the flavor... kinda dangerous really.


New Member
after 20 seconds of ad time I said fuck it.

thats vaporizing/smoking alcohol... old news. I dont think thats the same as what these guys are doing.

theyre diluting their BHO with ISO and vaping that. as well as some glycerin shit that apparently youre supposed to use? I wish someone here knew their shit.


Well-Known Member
Actually the glycerin is what helps it become liquid, if they are just adding ISO then smoking the mix they are not to bright....
haha man I guess you guys just dont get the whole point of this thread.

THEY MIX THEIR PROPERLY MADE BHO WITH ISO TO DILUTE IT. POUR IT INTO THE PEN. AND FUCKING SMOKE IT.. understand now?!?!!? maybe im the only one concerned about that. I dont care about the pen or price, I dont care about the BHO vs ISO. I know about that already. hot knives?!?! I think you missed the part where they are using it at work discreetly in front of others.....

I want to know what you guys think about them thinning out their BHO ( and yes. I know how to fucking make it) with ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL, then smoking it in their little vape pens at work. theres gotta be a better more safer way than ISO.

and no, the headrush wasnt because I was light headed... I literally felt 50 lbs lighter, and wobbly and kinda drunk... it HAD to be the ISO. theyre all immune to it, and the rum butter kills the flavor... kinda dangerous really.


Well-Known Member
I see what you're saying brotha..haha...

The thread had me laughing my face off...haha, my face actually hurts from laughing..thanks!!!

Vp.. Tell them to stop the insanity...holy shit!! Smoking diluted iso is not good in any capacity.

They should be using organic glycerine..


New Member
nowww were on track. thank god, I was starting to lose faith in this forum. thank you!!!!

so, before I start texting him trying to sound like I know what im talking about, could you give me just a tiny bit more info.

they already use the glycerin stuff which I figure is totally fine and recommended.. so is that they ONLY stuff theyre supposed to use? what do I tell him when he says "the ISO helps the atmoizers last longer, and we dont feel or taste anything weird"


Well-Known Member
sorry for the ad time my comp has pop up blocker that stops those and you tube ads

if they were mixing rum into the vaporizer then yea i could see how you might get a little floaty from the vaping and maybe even vaping the ISO.
if their mix really requires the iso have them use everclear


Well-Known Member
nowww were on track. thank god, I was starting to lose faith in this forum. thank you!!!!

so, before I start texting him trying to sound like I know what im talking about, could you give me just a tiny bit more info.

they already use the glycerin stuff which I figure is totally fine and recommended.. so is that they ONLY stuff theyre supposed to use? what do I tell him when he says "the ISO helps the atmoizers last longer, and we dont feel or taste anything weird"
you just had to get the regulars in here:blsmoke:

everything that i have read says to use food grade glycerin

why dont they just get one of the vape pens that take the bho with out having to dilute it?


New Member
sorry for the ad time my comp has pop up blocker that stops those and you tube ads

if they were mixing rum into the vaporizer then yea i could see how you might get a little floaty from the vaping and maybe even vaping the ISO.
if their mix really requires the iso have them use everclear
omg are you fucking with me, I didnt say rum. I said rum butter flavoring. my god you guys. so much pointless info being given just because you cant read.

I figured everclear would def be better too than ISO too. but still... theres gotta be an even better way than vaping alcohol altogether, especially at work. I mean, you wouldnt pull your winterize session off the griddle early and start smoking it. also not a great idea to have them working in a live oil upgrader when they are half drunk, plus it cant be good for their bodies. stoned I dont give a shit about though.


Well-Known Member
Alcohol evaporates at 160 degrees F so maybe fumes from the alcohol buzzed you up?

(still a dumb way to make liquid for pen with anything not food grade)

As I have read and tested myself Alcohol based oil is better when made it is with Grain alcohol instead of with 90% ISO.

food grade Glycerin and food grade propylene glycol are used alone or mixed with hash oil to make the liquid for the pen refills.

recipe is on the net, just look up "refilling e cig cartridges".

subtitute nicotine for hash Oil.

Maybe you could vaporize Alcohol and feel it, it would not be the same as drinking booze.

Just like smoking pot and eating food with pot in it have two totally different highs.

sorry if your post got hijacked!
I think you know the answer.
Good Luck to ya!