Alt0's Grow (1st timer)


New Member
how many times over the years have scientists got it wrong though, and correct themselves years later.

red meat used to be good for you and so did cigarettes, thats just off the top of my head of something that scientits got wrong and no thats not a typo i meant it like that :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Heh your right
the way they go back and forth with coffee is enough to make you dizzy.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man! Plants seem to be adjusting to LST'ing very well. Shame about no 4 but im sure shel become stronger than ever. Plus you get a clone out of it! Keep up the good work bro!


New Member
because i've grown for the amount of time i have and tried things out for myself i've learned that a lot of the things the experts say aren't true, i'm not going to discount all of it but I would prefer to go with what i know than what someone else tells me.

as for the blind squirrel and the nut, i did a pretty good job of finding them nuts :hump:



Well-Known Member
as for the blind squirrel and the nut, i did a pretty good job of finding them nuts :hump:
Like that eh? you should have read what I first wrote.
Glad we sorted this out man, I am open to anything I can learn.
And you seem like the kind of guy that could teach should you want to.
Sorry to read all the BS about when you were a member before but thats water under the dam and none of my business anyway.
Wish I could do a grow like the one in that photo,
but Heh I'm an old man trying to make some head stash ya know? So I plod along tryin my best to do OK.
Eventually I will be able to keep myself happy.
Let me ask you a question...
How long did you do 24/0 before starting 12/12 usually?
I was thinking about going to 12/12 soon (like a week or two more veg)
Plants are about 7-9" average now but starting to grow kinda quick.
Plus I added to the time by bending them over to increase yield if I could
letting the branches get some extra light and make (hopefully) bigger buds
than they would underneath.
They would be about 11" now if left alone.
What do you think? I started switching nutes to bloom (1/2 way)
should I wait more, go for it now, or do like I planned wait a week or two?


New Member
i would go for about 30 days normally before i hit the switch, if you can get them to show their sex parts before you switch thats even better, but i did get that at 30 days, most of my plants showing sex


Well-Known Member
i would go for about 30 days normally before i hit the switch, if you can get them to show their sex parts before you switch thats even better, but i did get that at 30 days, most of my plants showing sex
Thanks I will keep an eye on em, didn't really expect them to show that quick but then again maybe the strains you grew were quick to show.
I am not sure what they sent me from Goldenseed lol.
but I thought it would be better than bag seed around here.
Good pot here has no seeds =)


New Member
i got a mega mix from golden seed a long time ago, 30 seed pack turned out ok ish, but yeah probably a notch above bag seed


Well-Known Member
I actually saw you post them to another thread and just read the blueberry one where you got about 3oz from the first plant ya chopped nice work there.
Sooner or later I will be able to produce plants like those.

You had over a hundred big block rockwool in one picture there lol
Now that is something my wife would never let me get away with.
but yeah both journals are nice grows.


Well-Known Member
Date: 5/11 –5:00am
Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W HPS) ON 12/12 (off time 7pm to 7am)
Distance from top of Growing Medium 19" (11” to top of canopy)
Temperature –
70.0F (75.9/70.3)
Humidity - 57% (63%/50%)
Room/Light vent running-
YES (off 7am on 2pm / off 8pm on 12am)
Small room fan (on high, facing plants, timed off / on every 30 mins.)

Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running-ALWAYS
Temperature – 60.0F
PH –

Nutrient Solution:2 GAL.(transition mix)
10.0ML Flora Nova GROW™
10.0ML Flora Nova BLOOM™
4.0ML Floralicious Plus™
10.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea
10.0ML PyroSol™ Silicate Clay

Foliar Spray:none

I will post notes later tonight

Lots went on, needless to say not all great things
I am now in 12/12
Everyone is GREAT! in spite of me, lol.
gained 1 1/2" during time when stupid broken light was out (24hrs)
But I have a brand new HydroFarms HID
all the gritty detains later

I will post images later tonight


Well-Known Member
Hi all finally have a chance to post todays few images
Its a lot harder to get individual shots
so from here on out it will be group photos
My light popped a capacitor and the ignite won't ....well ignite
Easy fix but not on a Saturday night or Sunday so
I bought a new Hydro Farms 400W HPS lol
(I already had the bulb)
Light crapped out at about noon Saturday and so the kids were in 24 hrs dark
I put in the HPS bulb and fixed my timer for 12/12
and so now I am in Bloom phase.
It was about time anyway I thought I wanted some more height but measuring after I got the light on and they rose last "night" to
Tallest - No4 at 11 1/2" shortest No6 at 7"
(remember No 6-7 are about 4 days behind)

Here are some photos :weed:
1- new light
2- left side
3- right side
4- No 2 commin' on strong
5- clone (No 4's former head)
6- same clone but closer

a full update tomorrow after work.



Well-Known Member
Nice canopy going there bro! Good to hear you'v reached flowering! I need to get mine into 12/12 asap! Shame about the ignitor although i dont think the 24 of dark will do them much harm at this point. Keep up the good work!