Altering The photo period during vegging :)


Well-Known Member
Im basically growing in a cab with CFLs...

Im on a photo period of 24/7... I just went through the forums which say 18/6 or20/4 may give better results during vegging.
So, I was kinna thinking of switching the photo period to 18/6 or something... is it advisable?


Well-Known Member
I searched the net and found nothing, i wanna learn what effects can a periodic and a gradual decrease of sunlight have on ganja?...

Say like i am on a24/0... i swich to 22/2 for like 2 days then to 20/4 for the nxt two days, and then 18/6... and continue 18/6 till i switch 12/12...

Does this increase the chances of a hermie?... As in, this is no abrupt photo period change... im reducing the light period, gradually and n one single fashion..

I want some experienced inputs please. Ppl having some experience with this kindly comment and suggest.


Well-Known Member
done it both ways. I noticed I had more males with the 24/7 than the 18/6. skunk #1 18/6 9 out of 12 females. 24/7 7 out of 12 females. tried this many times with around the same results. mabye its just chance? dont know.


Well-Known Member
Its OK you wont hurt the plants, thats exactly what i did. I started at 24/0 then went to 18/6, now im on flower 12/12.


Well-Known Member
No hermie rate my friend!! Only had 2 plants and both are bitches baby!!!
Check out my journal in the organics section titled "Check this baby out", they look frickin awesome.