Alternative super soil

Hey guys im getting ready for my third outdoor grow and I wanted to try using the so called 'super soil' the problem is that I can't get all the ingredients needed. What I can get is organic soil, blood and bone, dolomite lime, coco coir, epsom salts, mushroom compost, and sheep/cow or chicken manure. Will this be a good combination for growing my ladies? I'm trying to make a decent soil that allows me to just water with plain h20 for the whole grow, if anyone can think of anything else I should add I'd sure appreciate the input:)

Oh and I should add that the igrediants I can't get are Worm castings/vermicast, Bat guano, Fish bone meal, humic acid and azomite. Thanks


Well-Known Member
the manures will cover the EWC and guano, although you may wish to up your bone meal to get more P. kelp has a lot of trace minerals to stand in for the azomite. humic acid is hard to find an equivalent for.........


Active Member
I use decomposed horse manure. Its plump full of nitrogen for veging and doesn't leave any funky taste like cow shit. It's also rich in phosphorous since horses don't digest thier food (including hay) very well. I water it with miracle grow for tomatoes. My horticulture teacher told me that weed grows just like tomatoes, thats also where I seen horse manure at the top of the charts in one of the books there. Add some soluble mychorrizae and you got yourself a turbo plant. Just remember to let off the synthetic nutes and pour on the organic potasium towards budding. I mix powdered dry (brown) bannana peels, molasses and black tea all brewed together. Makes for nice fat sticky buds. Another fun thing to do is pump it full of flavored tea or extract and watch how it uses the turpines. Just don't pump it full of sugar because it cant use it and could possibly cause root rot. You don't need all that fancy and expensive shit (literally). Its all myth and a waste of money. Your goal should be a well ballanced npk ratio like 15-30-15 from organic matter and a safe ph. Just boost the N in the beggining and finish heavy on the K. If you can't find decomposed shit then get some fresh shit and mix it in with some nice black dirt that you can dig up for free in the woods, usually under a leefy tree or patch of leeks. Then mix in some dried leaves and you got some good soil. Just to be sure water with a well ballanced liquid nute once a week. Just startem in black dirt so you don't burnem.
I use decomposed horse manure. Its plump full of nitrogen for veging and doesn't leave any funky taste like cow shit. It's also rich in phosphorous since horses don't digest thier food (including hay) very well. I water it with miracle grow for tomatoes. My horticulture teacher told me that weed grows just like tomatoes, thats also where I seen horse manure at the top of the charts in one of the books there. Add some soluble mychorrizae and you got yourself a turbo plant. Just remember to let off the synthetic nutes and pour on the organic potasium towards budding. I mix powdered dry (brown) bannana peels, molasses and black tea all brewed together. Makes for nice fat sticky buds. Another fun thing to do is pump it full of flavored tea or extract and watch how it uses the turpines. Just don't pump it full of sugar because it cant use it and could possibly cause root rot. You don't need all that fancy and expensive shit (literally). Its all myth and a waste of money. Your goal should be a well ballanced npk ratio like 15-30-15 from organic matter and a safe ph. Just boost the N in the beggining and finish heavy on the K. If you can't find decomposed shit then get some fresh shit and mix it in with some nice black dirt that you can dig up for free in the woods, usually under a leefy tree or patch of leeks. Then mix in some dried leaves and you got some good soil. Just to be sure water with a well ballanced liquid nute once a week. Just startem in black dirt so you don't burnem.
Hey man awesome info! I've always felt the same way, my dad was an awesome horticulturalist and he never dealt with all that extra stuff. Unfortuantly I live in the dessert of Australia so theres no nice dirt under any leafy trees here haha. What's the difference between normal horse shit and decomposed? I've got acces to unlimited horse crap so that's a good thing! Also how do you brew your banana peels, molasses and black tea? Does it come out all runny or do you strain it and keep the juice? Thanks again man exact info I was after


Active Member
Dry the bannana peels out crispy and throw them in a grinder, dont use more than a half dozen teaspoons of mole asses and a couple grips of black tea per gallon. Use hot water to get it as liquidy as possible and distribute the k evenly. You really can't over do it on the potass during budding. Don't mix too much poo into your black dirt if it's fresh because you could burn them. I'd say 25-40%, not sure, I usually use it's compost. A nice fluffy dark brown mix with little tiny undigested hay bits and horse hair.
Dry the bannana peels out crispy and throw them in a grinder, dont use more than a half dozen teaspoons of mole asses and a couple grips of black tea per gallon. Use hot water to get it as liquidy as possible and distribute the k evenly. You really can't over do it on the potass during budding. Don't mix too much poo into your black dirt if it's fresh because you could burn them. I'd say 25-40%, not sure, I usually use it's compost. A nice fluffy dark brown mix with little tiny undigested hay bits and horse hair.
Yeh that's what I'm going to do compost some horse shit and organic soil plus a few scraps from around the house, how often do you use that brew durin flowering?


Well-Known Member
Dry the bannana peels out crispy and throw them in a grinder, dont use more than a half dozen teaspoons of mole asses and a couple grips of black tea per gallon. Use hot water to get it as liquidy as possible and distribute the k evenly. You really can't over do it on the potass during budding. Don't mix too much poo into your black dirt if it's fresh because you could burn them. I'd say 25-40%, not sure, I usually use it's compost. A nice fluffy dark brown mix with little tiny undigested hay bits and horse hair.
Where do you find mole asses? :bigjoint:


Active Member
Your joking right? Just set some mole traps in the yard and extract the mole asses from the moles you catch. I recomend store bought mole asses though, black strap has more pot-assium in it.