Alternative to a carbon filter?


Active Member
Was just wondering if there is any effective method to eliminate smell without the use of a carbon filter. I've recently been notified by landlord he had a complaint and it could be smelled as soon as you step off the elevator(my condo is close) what freaks me out the most is that its only 2 plants about 2 feet tall. Thank god 75% of the trichomes are cloudy and was nearing harvest. I will take pics of the closet tomorrow after harvest if anyone. Wants to help think up or design a plan here. A carbon filter is my last resort and would like to know if there's an alternative. Thanks!!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Where is your output for your fans? Can you vent it out a window or some shit? That way the people wont be able to narrow down where the smell is comming from. I vent mine straight out and I am currently flowering 12 plants, and veging around 17. If you get right up on it you can smell it but from the street you may just get a passing wiff of some dank! LOL I am also legal to grow so I don't worry about it to much, but if I wasn't legal I would get a carbon filter for sure. There are DIY filters on this site under the DIY section of the forums, maybe check that out and build your own for cheap.


Active Member
I don't think there is any possible way to run vents out any window. It sucks because I'm trying to get my medical license but having trouble finding a doctor to sign :( I've even got the papers posted right outside the closet with a medical marijuana sign and health canada. But this is really got me stressed out cause I absolutely love growing and hate paying for pot. I geuss there is just no other method...


Well-Known Member
IDK....try a product called ONA's pretty pricey can get it in liquid form and mix up a little with water in a bucket and use an air pump and air stone to release the product into the air...for the money tho...just buy a can get cheap ones on ebay that is basically what you could make yourself just already done for you.


Well-Known Member
Worst case scenario, if it's only a week or two, maybe a dryer sheet in your exhaust duct?


Active Member
I will look into this ONA gell stuff. I've heard of people using atomatic ozium spray cans but this will be a wast of time the way I see it cause its not acually neutralizing or eliminating the smell just masking it


Active Member
Worst case scenario, if it's only a week or two, maybe a dryer sheet in your exhaust duct?
I don't have any intake or exaust for my closet and its away from any window. That's why I can't use a corbon filter cause you need a venting system. I'm really hoping there's a way around this


Well-Known Member
You are already under heat. Get a carbon filter and fan for sure. My extra-paranoid azz would have bought one the same day the landlord said something. Better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
you don't need to vent out the exhaust....just use a carbon filter to scrub the air...just hook up the fan right to the filter and it just recycles the air in the room


Active Member
Its just the design of the closet tho.its a walk-in with a door. I usually have it open a crack with a tall oscilating fan to circulate the air. I definitely can't cut any holes. And I'm not sure what an ozone genorator is and sounds expensive lol
holy shit. i made a couple o2 generators a couple weeks back(just so i can smoke inside and not deal with the smell). i made mine for about 40 bucks a piece but i got timers built in and i used 30dollar high quality 8kv transformers. since then ive found 7.5kv transformers that are actually already made to make ozone for $10.35 at the eletronic goldmine site . i havent bought this item and dont know the quality or ozone output, but at 10 bucks, if it workd for a month it would be worth do have to make an safety enclosure and wire the power to it but thats easy. since ur growing in a enclosed area this will work even better because the ozone will be able to be focused where the marijuana odor particles are strongest. Warning! These transformers produce more than enough electricity to kill you and i wouldnt attempt this while high or even tired. i plan on makin a how-to thread on o2 generators to help folks like you make one of these gadgets. message me if u have any questions id be glad to help. Oh and if u dont like the sound of electricity arcing constantly then you will hate my designs.they're not really loud but some people seem to hate that sound and there is no way to make the ozone without a arc. i assume the item on the site i linked would be silent or almost silent because its listed as a negative ion generator and there normally quiet(like the ionic pro the sell at wall mart for over a 100$).the sound produced is based on how you allow the electricty to arc.i use aluminum plates on mine and the item i linked shows a small 4 pin setup.neway im rambling now... so im gonna stop. peace.


Active Member
Thanks for the help everyone. I've been looking around and it seems this ONA gell/liquid works pretty good with promissing results. I'm calling my local hydroponics store tomorrow and hopefully they supply this. As for making my own ozone genoratior althought a cheap and good way I'm noy too sure about that esspecially messing with electrical and arcs loi I've also read online that ozone genorators are bad and harmfull to your health and are not approved in canada. Health canada website has an entire page about this. But thanks everyone I'll post again tomorrow after I harvest my 2small 2foot tall plants that somehow stank up my whole house and creeped into the hallway. Thanks again everyone much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Glad to see I could help....let me know how it works for you....I would go with the liquid so you can aerate it in a bucket like I was saying

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
i took this from health canadas web site:
Ground-level ozone can cause a variety of symptoms in healthy people and people with respiratory problems, including the following:

Chest discomfort;
Reduced lung function;
Shortness of breath; and
Irritation of eye, nose and throat.

^^ if that is the extent of the health hazard you couldnt die from that. I use on ozone generator without any negative effects. You can even smell the ozone build up if it is getting to many ppm of ozone. it smells like rain in a thunderstorm.. although.. i hear jail has it's own side effects.. up to you.