Alternative to fox farm that's available in Australia?????

conor c

Well-Known Member
hey guys, I'm in Aus and completely new to this, I've heard nothing but use fox farm!!

But unfortunately you can't get it here :( only online and it's like a hundred bucks shipping, so I was wondering if anyone on here is in Australia or knows of someone in Australia and could tell me what products and or brands to look at, ANYTHING is helpful to me as I have never done this before. (My autoflower so are one week in so kinda in a hurry)


P.S my local landscape supply guys only have two types of organic soil and they are loam with chicken manure and loam with mushroom compost, does anyone know which may be better if I can't get any other info??
Biobizz or idk if you get jack's magic compost there maybe look into those two
Another Aussie here, frustrated with either everyone just saying 'Fox Farms' or spelling out some super weird recipe that is all greek to a beginner. I've spent hours trying to research it as a noob. I just want a soil I can go buy and start with in a tent grow, some people will say just grab a bag of premium Osmocote from Bunnings. Then others will shoot that idea down as stupid, you don't want any 'NPK soils'.
Then the 'coco' suggestions come in. In threads that ask what SOIL in a indoor grow is needed.. huh that isn't soil? So now we are growing hydro yeah? Which everyone says is way harder for a beginner, just do a soil 1st grow, you don;t need to worry as much about ph of water.. so then the loop starts again.. what soil? Fox Farms!
Then others say get a 'living soil' that only need water. But then others will say no they actually add nutes to that water in living soil grows. Huh? That living soil in Australia is (a) crazy expensive (b) always stocked in some middle of nowhere location and (c) out of stock everywhere.
All I want is a step by step Australian based guide as to what soil to get for a 4x4 tent grow under LED, where to buy it, and not using strange terms like 'guano' or 'lifter' like a beginner knows what the heck they are (I know it's a lot to learn but I can't even pin down what to buy and not make a mistake that rears it's head in 4 months).
I thought the light choice was hard to pin down through a sea of opinion and sponsored posts but this basic thing - soil and where to get it in my area, super frustrating especially now I have all the other kit ready.
Master Marks super soil... thats all you need. I grow organic in a 4x4 tent under a viparspectra ks5000 and outdoors.
You can get all you need from Dr Green Thumbs online mate.
I use Bunnings organic compost 25 litre bags.
Pending on what amount of soil your using :
Add 30% Biochar or Horticultural charcoal.
30% Large Pumice
30% Organic worm castings.
1-2 cups of Neem Meal per bag of compost
1-2 cups of Kelp Meal per bag of compost.

It's a water only super soil, I feed compost and worm castings tea every 2 weeks during veg and just water Inbetween, unchlorinated and at ph 6.2.
Bud and Bloom every 2 weeks from 1st week of flowering.
No need to flush at all as it's all organic.
You need to look at the ingredients of the soils available to you. A peat based soil would be a soil that shows peat as the highest percentage ingredient. Stop worrying so much about what people on forums say, do some research, and decide for yourself what is best for you. People in forums will tell you soil sucks and you need to grow in hydro or coco. Others will tell you you need to use 20 different bottles of nutrients to have great results. If you want more of a care free approach then learn how to build your own soil that won’t require constant feeding and just mix it up. It only has to be as complicated as you want it to be. I’m just starting my first organic grow now and it can be confusing but, if you want to be less confused about it, then you need to learn about what needs to go into the soil rather than just take the word from random people regarding which premixed soils are the best. Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one and most of them stink.
Agree with you 100%.
I also grow organic and outdoors here in Australia and use Master Marks super soil and haven't looked back since.