Always paranoid


Well-Known Member
For me - i tried to relax.. Im always ending up freaking out.. But i dont want to smoke less :D


Well-Known Member
What a load of bollocks, the 'estimated' 2% of people affected? affected with what? a psychotic episode?

youve got to remember these people refer to any normal behaviour as a "psychotic episode",
looking out the window for helicopters for instance, a NORMAL behavior reinforced by our government/police, rather than cannabis itself.
To clarify (and rereading may help), the 2% of the population is affected by an abnormal gene pair that does not correctly function. The inability of the gene to switch off a dopamine flood caused by cannabinoid receptors being stimulated by THC molecules triggers a psychotic episode.

The psychotic episodes that these people report are extreme hallucinations and paranoia that isn't just 'looking out the window for helicopters'. It's hiding in cupboards and jibbering with fear. Bad acid episodes, not just really stoned.

I'm a pro-cannabis legalisation person, but I don't look at weed through rose coloured glasses. It's an excellent drug, but for an extremely small percentage of the population, it can and does trigger bad psychotic episodes. All the denials in the world won't change that unfortunately.

If you consider that alcohol, given enough time will destroy your liver and your brain, this 2% of the population is next to nothing. But it should be taken into consideration if you have concerns about how you react to weed.


erm.. so yea, stop moaning. DONT go to your GP or doc, he will give you valium or prozac or simmilar, which doesnt ever get to the cause of the problem. and no, even if its really bad ''depression'', dont let them tempt you into taking these shitty chemicals..
Most certainly don't take other prescription medicines. In my opinion (from experience) they are worse than the condition they're supposed to treat.

As I suggested before, try backing off your weed dosage first and see if that helps. If you go to a doctor, go to one you can trust.