'Always wanted to ask but was afraid to' questions


Heya folks,

I have several of these question.
Light one up, take a five minute break and please browse them all :weed:

  1. During germination right before planting the sprouted seeds in soil - will it benefit if I very lightly coat the sprout with Rooting gel/enhancer/booster?
  2. Each serious fertilizing company usually have 'growing charts'. Assuming I use nutrients from various manufacturers (example: grow nutes from Bio-Bizz, bloom from Foxfarm, and bloom-booster from Dutch Master) - is there a way to create a new "combined" growing chart, based on the charts made by the manufacturers? For heavy stoners - read the previous sentence few more times :mrgreen:
  3. How many "100% pure" (original) weed types are there? By original I mean pure strains with no cross breeding, no different strain ancestors, etc etc.
  4. Has anyone ever created a grow room with full "dawn to dusk" fade in and fade out? For example - right after the dark cycle ends - the light cycle begins with periodic fade-in (lets say to 100% intensity in 25 minutes). We are trying to mimic the sun aren't we..? imagine a slow light mover, with fade-in and fade-out sequences for your grow room!
  5. In nature, the ground is usually visible around plants (any plant). Why then some people cover the pot entirely leaving only a hole for the stem? I understand about keeping humidity in and all, but shouldn't the ground get 'free access' to oxygen at all times?
  6. If you only had enough money for a single tester - either PH or PPM, and CAN NOT buy any other device let alone a dual-testing devices.. what will you buy? essentially, this question is "what is more important - PH balanced (tap) water or PPM balanced (tap) water?
  7. Unfortunately, at this point I can not afford a reverse Osmosis unit (which I understand is the best water to feed the plants). What is the best way using house hold items, to make the best water to feed the plants with? and no.. collecting rain is not an option :p
  8. Bat Guano (Ace Ventura: "eweeee" :mrgreen:) - assuming i add it to a soil-mix when I star germination/veg state, is it safe to add a growing nute in? I ask because I'm afraid of od'ing the plant with N.
  9. I understand that growing in the attic in winter causes the roof to yell out loud "I AM HOT".. meaning something is going on in this house. My question is this: I have a 600W HPS and MH conv bulb. Will the heat from either of the lights compensate the searing cold of the (little.. 4-5 plants..) winter? lol - Can I grow in the attic in the winter?? easy comes slow to me :o
  10. Now last one is dedicated to my budd fdd - hehe you're going to kill me if you see this question.. after i read all the comments on the 'creating a seed' thread. Ok, now let's say I have two NL seeds. 1 turned male the other female. The had some jungle fever during flowering, I got some nice seeds and planted them. Will the new plant be just 'NL' or will it be F1 or something else?


Peace for going through all my questions bongsmilie
I will use this thread from now on (of course - if permitted by the staff) to ask all my 'always wanted to ask but was afraid to' questions.
You are welcome to ask yours as well in here!


Well-Known Member
Don't know how many of these I can answer for you but I'll give it my best shot since you don't have any responses yet. :)

1 You probably can, just make sure that you have the exact product for what you are trying to do. Make sure there aren't any nutes in it.

2 You can create your own special mix, but that will usually take a lot of practice and experimenting. If you are a first time grower, you're better off (for now) sticking with one company's fertilizer program. As you get more experienced you can fine tune it some more.

3 No idea whatsoever. I'd imagine quite a few. When it comes to, say, dogs for example, you have a lot of mutts (bag seed) and you have your thoroughbreds (breeder seeds from nirvana, attitude, etc.) But a thoroughbred weed strain and how many there are....couldn't tell you for sure.

4 Its an excellent idea. You are right, our indoor grow rooms try to mimic nature as closely as possible, but at the same time babying the hell out of the plants. If you can replicate it, by all means go for it. I for one am sticking with the ol on and off. KISS principle - Keep It Simple Stupid lol

5 I think people usually cover the bottoms in a hydro application to help prevent mold and algae growth. Soil growers do it sometimes with reflective material to help reflect light back at the plant.

6 PH meter, without a doubt. Without the right ph level, nutrients are locked out of the plant. Whats the use in testing your ppm if the plant will only be able to absorb half the nutes because your ph was 8.5 or 5.5 or ? Keep your eyes open though, some ppm testers also check your ph.

7 Go to your local super store and see if they have a water jug filling station. I have one 5 minutes from my house, and its 25 cents a gallon. I just started using that water, but from what I've read before, many people do that because that water usually is relatively purified. Chances are its much better than your house tap water.

8 Don't give it any nutes whatsoever for a least a few weeks. If your plant looks healthy and green, no discoloration or burnt edges, its not broke, so don't fix it! Remember that in nature these plants don't receive nutes, so they will usually bud nicely on there own just from the dirt they are in.

9 As long as your lights off temps are fine, you should be alright. And don't worry about the eye in the sky. It won't come looking for you as long as you keep your mouth shut (to ANYBODY) about your grow, and you keep the smell at bay.

10 Can't really give you an answer on this one, I'm not a breeder, but its related to question 3. AFAIK if a NL and NL have kids, they will be NL. Just like a pure dalmation and pure dalmation will have pure dalmation pups. There might be slight differences (phenotypes) but they will be the same as the parents.


New Member
Thats some crazy as questions.

1: yes a bit of root stimulant would make the seed root faster i just don't know if cloning gel would do the same.

2: ?????????????

3: correct me if i'm wrong but marijuana has been on earth for hundreds of years, each strain reverts back to that 1st strain. so i would say none..

4: I dunno maybe but its not necessary !!

5: ???? wtf if nature made the hole to be covered then it would be covered ???

6: Ph probs ??

7: Get a fking hose and turn the tap on. woola !

8: Don't give the plant nutes for the first two weeks then only feed it half of the recommended dose of GROW type nutes then slowly ramp it up till flower then give it BUD type nutes ???

9: yea a 600w bulb will probs keep the room warm overnight

10: It will Be NL. NL x NL = Nl. any who cares if its F1 or wateva.

Hope this helpes !!


Thank you guys for the replies!
pokesalotasmot buddy - what a beautiful reply - thanks! (1up).

Your combined answers leaves me with:

GREEN = solved.
RED = not solved.
PURPLE = something for veterans to try.

1) Any preferred brand for germination?

2) Yep - got it thank you again. I'll start with a trio from one company!

3) If anyone knows.. please share your wisdom with us.

4) lol.. I just started first grade and I'm already thinking on the "advanced para-growing class". got the tip - though if any veterans here done that in the past - please share your info!! Maybe eliminating the stress they get from a 'one shot' light and 'one shot' darkness.. will do good. think about it.

5) True. did not think of the algae and lights hitting it. Though I read somewhere that lighting the bottom parts of the leaves is some how not good for the growth of the plant.. i'm nowhere near a botanist, but isnt the bottom part of the plant serves as the 'lungs' of the plant or something like that..?

6) Got it. PPM. thanks.

7) SWEET ALABAMA! how come i didnt think of that! BRILLIANT idea - i'll most certainly check it out. Is there any other way to produce quality water for the plants using house hold materials?

8 ) Rgr.

9) Rgr.

10) Let's wait for the Grand General Master Roaster fdd's reply on that :mrgreen: !


11) I ordered a week ago from eBay Control Wizard's PH 4.0 and PH 6.0
I got instead two very similar bottles with "CWP Instruments" label on them.

Did he rip me off?
Did i win? :p

lol.. CWP can very well be Control Wizard..
Boy I'm high :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: