Am I able to LST when plants are thrown into flower?

I've just recently started on my grow, my seedlings have stretched quite a bit but am going to rebury the stems so the plant isn't so damn long but I'm growing in a limited space container, and I would like to just throw my seedlings into flower to keep them short, am I able to LST while they're growing like that? My friend told me its not a good idea but I don't think I have the space to veg in my grow box. Click on my grow journal so you can get an idea on what my plants and my grow set up looks like and help me out please. :?


Active Member
Looks to small to LST, you might pull that sucker right out of the soil. If you veg it, get the light closer so it does not strech as much, then LST you shoukd have the space to veg it. Check out my sig. I did outdoor LST from clones.
When a plant is in flower mode it focuses on budding and not really on growing. LST is meant to spread and make your plant in veg; equally have the same amount of light. I say veg it, and lst so that you actually get some bud growth.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There is no reason you can't LST as you throw it into flower, but i don't think you'll recieve the true benefit that a propper LST would offer. This is just conjecture though, i'v not tried LST myself. It certainly won't harm it though (depending on size and how agressively you do it) people tie stems down because of height issues mid flowering all the time.
Thanks for the replies guys. I think I might veg it for just a little bit, but I really don't want my plants getting too tall, whichever method for keeping them as short as possible without hugely affecting my yield would be nice to know. And I've seen people go straight from seed to flower with nice results so I'm not sure if the 1 week of veg growth is really necessary, but then again I'm a n00b so what do I know lol.