Am I Being Paranoid?.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Seems like the tattoo would back fire down the road. It's like saying you don't want the police to be able to spot your car, so you put a permanent pink unicorn on it to fool them. It works until they figure out you have a pink unicorn on your car, then it is more identifiable than before.
I never said it was a good idea lol.


New Member
Data mining, filtering and triangulation is all true. It goes quite deep actually. In LA all your movements are tracked from the traffic cameras. Add facial recognition and there is a record of your movements. Up by my house there is a 172 constantly rotating over head sending live feeds on all of us. Many grows have been busted up here because of it.

Anyway yes interlinking data is dangerous to us.

I've seen the Fur n Feathers choppers come in a hundred miles off any road to check out hunters.They can tell if your kill or traps are legal from space.You kill an animal in the middle of the arctic.Within minutes a chopper lands to give you tickets.Thats kinda how it works~