Am I being to paraniod?

Hi all

I have a few plants indoors that I only know about that I just started

I have only orderd soil and pots from amazon, nothing else

I love to watch youtube grow videos all day long

Last night I got worried that my ISP will see those videos and report me possibley to LEO and they could search my house, this made me incredibly anxious to the effect of just wanting to stop the grow altogether

Am I being too paraniod about this? Can watching youtube grow videos flag you for a search? I value your oppinions

thank you
Yes you're being paranoid. The only thing they'll do is laugh because you're getting grow advice from youtube.

Seriously, they could care less what video's you're watching. They care more about what people post. And what makes you think that any entity is going to bother wasting time and resources over you and a few plants? Don't flatter yourself. :bigjoint:
Hi all

I have a few plants indoors that I only know about that I just started

I have only orderd soil and pots from amazon, nothing else

I love to watch youtube grow videos all day long

Last night I got worried that my ISP will see those videos and report me possibley to LEO and they could search my house, this made me incredibly anxious to the effect of just wanting to stop the grow altogether

Am I being too paraniod about this? Can watching youtube grow videos flag you for a search? I value your oppinions

thank you
If you live in China, North Korea, Iran or some other repressed country, then yes you may be monitored

if you live in USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, or any other civilized country, then you are just being way over paranoid......cops don't have the resources to chase down every person growing a few plants....nor do they really care
I am anxious by nature,,,,but why wouldnt they turn the data over to LEO to do an investigtion if they thought someone was growing?

You never know until they knock on the door. Or shoot a flash grenade through the window, ram the door in, and storm your family with automatic rifles. If you see that happening next door or across the street, go ahead and get rid of the grow. They get the address wrong a lot.
I am anxious by nature,,,,but why wouldnt they turn the data over to LEO to do an investigtion if they thought someone was growing?

Chill bro, as long as you're not flaunting what you're doing and or openly selling it, nobody cares
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I have all precautions, carbon filter , it all hidden,,,,,just worried they may monitor what im doing online and use it against me
I have all precautions, carbon filter , it all hidden,,,,,just worried they may monitor what im doing online and use it against me

The people monitoring internet usage are not concerned about someone growing a couple plants.

I dont mean to be that paraniod but I have alot to lose

Everyone has a lot to lose. If they don't then they're already a loser.

Here's the deal. If you are going to be paranoid growing a couple plants then don't grow. You'll likely freak out when the plants start to smell and rip them up in the middle of the night thinking the cops are going to break down your door. Obviously you're not growing where it's not legal. You have 2 options. Keep quiet about your grow, harvest your plants and smoke them. Or you can stop growing and buy your pot on the black market.
I dont mean to be that paraniod but I have alot to lose

Lol. I’ve been growing since 2009. I live in the U.K.

I got busted in 2012. Why? Because some dumb shit couldn’t keep his mouth closed!!! ( that’s me by the way!)

Since then only me and my wife know what I do.

I stopped growing for 3 months after I got busted. I received a simple caution.

the police tried to get information out of me about who was dealing in the area. But id been self sufficient for 3 years when They came knocking.

words to the wise!

don’t tell anyone you’re growing.

don’t sell from the place you grow in!

keep all smells under control!

don’t tell anyone you’re growing!


I had frequented RIU and grow videos for years up to 2012.

information From the public was on the search warrant.
That does not mean they searched my ISP or anything it means that someone ratted me out. Which was my own fault for not following words to the wise above
definetly no crack here,,,I guess it just seems resonable to be a bit worried if you are thinking about growing a few plants, but you guys seem to think a few plants is nothing to worry about
so it seems fair that merely reading online cannot facilitate a search warrant or red flags,,,,but someone ratting you out is far more likely

You really think that they dont give a shit about a few plants?
Last night I got worried that my ISP will see those videos and report me possibley to LEO

First, your browser connection is encrypted (using HTTPS) from your computer to Youtube, so although your ISP can see that you're going to Youtube, they can not see what you're watching.

Second, those with the ability to monitor your activity within the ISP don't have the time nor the care to worry about trying to identify what you're doing. Trust me.

Use a VPN if you're that paranoid.