Am I close to harvest??


Active Member
OK so I'm growing outside for the first time do I'm not exactly when to harvest or how to for that matter. I know to look for amber trichs and browning of the pistols, and I see both of those on my girl, but I've been told I have until the end of September or so before she's done... So I'm confused. Can you experienced growers help a newbie harvest at the right time? She's been flowering since July 15 or so, and she's an Ak47xnorthernlights btw.



Active Member
OH SO CLOSE. week or 2 maybe by the looks of the VISIBLY AMBER TRICHS! :) Great job.
Thanks for getting back to me!! So I should harvest on what day you think? (I literally have no clue where to look for the trichs, so I'm leaving it up to the experienced to decide for me for the first time, so I don't have a shitty first grow)


Well-Known Member
Invest in a microscope. handheld...
or a jewelers loupe. look them up on ebay.

By the looks of the trichs from the last 2 pictures i would say 9/8 would be a good day to harvest. 9/10 if you have not flushed the medium yet

If you haven't do that today at some point.
Flushing: Water = 3 times the amount of soil per container.

Example. 3 gallon container needs 9 gallons of clean water for a proper flush.
you want to flush 1 week before harvest so hurry up. you are right there.
As more and more get amber. that's degrading the THC. some say it causes more of a "couch-lock" high. I'm not sure if it increases CBD when running mostly amber trichs. I've never tried it.

good luck
surely you harvested by now post some pictures just remember you cant always go buy the color of visible hairs you wanna get in their really close with a high power magnifying glass and check the trichomes for a milky white or later harvest amberish color if you harvest earlier it'll have more of a sativa effect and vise versa


Active Member
Invest in a microscope. handheld...
or a jewelers loupe. look them up on ebay.

By the looks of the trichs from the last 2 pictures i would say 9/8 would be a good day to harvest. 9/10 if you have not flushed the medium yet

If you haven't do that today at some point.
Flushing: Water = 3 times the amount of soil per container.

Example. 3 gallon container needs 9 gallons of clean water for a proper flush.
you want to flush 1 week before harvest so hurry up. you are right there.
As more and more get amber. that's degrading the THC. some say it causes more of a "couch-lock" high. I'm not sure if it increases CBD when running mostly amber trichs. I've never tried it.

good luck
damn.... Thats a hell of a lot of water... Is all that necessary?? Your saying I need to use 18 gallons of (PH ADJUSTED?) water on her all at once within a week??(she's in 6 gal)


Active Member
not within a week sir. at one time.

I use General Organics so i don't have to flush. i simply water the last two weeks clean and that's that.
here's a step by step by a grower here in RIU a few years ago. it should help you out
I only gave my plant nutes once. And that was a dew days ago with 2 teaspoons of Tiger bloom.... I usually only give her a gallon and she gets around 30 percent runoff. With that said, do i really have to use all that water?? She's turning a little yellow as well . But that could be nitrogen deficiency?


Well-Known Member
if you haven't used much nutes you don't need much water. i'd still dump at least the entire container size through to be safe. you dont want weed to crackle when smoked.


Active Member
Fan leafs usually do get somewhat yellow at the end, Outdoor plants usually get harvested during mid-late October depending on where you live. Flushing is a great idea since you used nutes lately, your smoke will be bitter and harsh if nutes used and not flushed. If you taste that stuff in ur smoke once u won't doubt flushing ever again.
like sheldon and stew said yellowing this late in floweing is normal the plant is actually using all its reserves in the leaves and will shed them when it runs out you can solve this by giving them small doses of nitrogen some say it is not recommened during late bloom but every plant is different I had plants yellow over night from flushing and some that were fine through the last 3-4 weeks of bloom (soil)usually you'll have to worry about it more in hydro im in about bloom week 8 and my plants have been fine.Actually the leaves are so big and such light hoggs by the time they yellow and lose them its doing my garden some justice in my little 2x6 closet, however I did manage to kill one of my babies givin it full strength sunkist thats right people sunkist like a jackass and had to pull it super early before I could flush it only had about an 8th on it I hung it for like 3-4 days for it was already dying in the pot it taste pretty good for me to not have cured it and flushed out the excess nitrogen inside the leaves but you could still taste a hint of bitterness I foliar fed this plant oneness while I just gave the other plants food in the soil this plant developed a coffeee like smell in my opinion do to the nitrogen I was spraying on the buds just to experiment.


Well-Known Member
I don't think plants should be flushed as there's no need. I don't flush and my bud kicks ass and tastes like it too. Just kidding my point is my bud never tastes like nutrients, then again how many of us have actually tasted bat guano?
you say you think plants shouldn't be flushed and yours taste great, then you say just kidding so which one is it?? Also what kind of nutrients & medium you runnin if you follow the basic feed,water schedule then your basically flushing every week not 100% but enough too prevent deficiencies which are not always caused by lack of nutrients but also over-feeding. as a connoisseur I definitely can tell when weed is not flushed and it seems like now in days even in these dispensaries most people aren't