Am I Growing Right?


Active Member
ok so i have 3 14 day old babes growin, and they seem to be doin great. i have 2 plants in one large pot, and one in a regular-big pot. i have one 26w daylight cf light covering the two plants, and a 18w/19w daylight cf light taking care of the one plant. i water my babes every time the top 2" of soil gets dry, and i only water the space around the plant with a 1/4 to 1/2 (depending on which pot) 12 oz cup of water. im using maricle grow on them (no money). and i use about 15-9 lighting on them. the walls around them have aluminum foil on them for reflection.

am i doing this right, they look geat ,i think, so far. this is my first time, so can someone tell me how im doin, i have a pic of my best looking plant. please someone guide me.



Well-Known Member
tin foil should be replaced with something a little better, like mylar.. what kind of soil are you using?? I started with outdoor soil, and a small 6inch pot, my plants ran out of nutrients and got rootbound in less than 3 weeks.. i watered plain tap water (which is well water) for 2 1/2 weeks straight... nothing else.. got a humidifier , couple fans running, and watered seldomly... you can wait till the pot is completely dry before watering again, dont be afraid to wait for a a couple days.. you dont want to start overwatering.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
ok so i have 3 14 day old babes growin, and they seem to be doin great. i have 2 plants in one large pot, and one in a regular-big pot. i have one 26w daylight cf light covering the two plants, and a 18w/19w daylight cf light taking care of the one plant. i water my babes every time the top 2" of soil gets dry, and i only water the space around the plant with a 1/4 to 1/2 (depending on which pot) 12 oz cup of water. im using maricle grow on them (no money). and i use about 15-9 lighting on them. the walls around them have aluminum foil on them for reflection.

am i doing this right, they look geat ,i think, so far. this is my first time, so can someone tell me how im doin, i have a pic of my best looking plant. please someone guide me.
Where to start? Hmmmm... Never put two plants in one pot, they will fight each other for root area, and also if one gets sick so does the other one. Next, you should start plants out in a smaller container like a 16 oz beer cup, and then replant after about 3 weeks. Believe me, most everyone has started with a big pot thinking they were doing well, when in fact you are hurting the plant further down the line. It needs the small container to build a good strong tight root mass to begin with to help hold those big branches with buds all over them. Next, Never use tin foil to reflect your light. Last but not least, you are most likely watering to much.


Active Member
they were all in 10 oz cups for two weeks and i just transplanted them 2 days ago. im really tight on money, my gf lended me a big pot and i happened to have a spare around. will they still grow, or will one kill the other, or will they both kill eachother? i guess ill slow down on watering them. im using just regular miracle grow, i threw out the bag. will a ceiling fan work?
thanks guys


Well-Known Member
i am completely new to growing also.. but i thought you need a lot more than like 45w to grow multiple plants...
am i misunderstanding what your using for lights?


Active Member
i am completely new to growing also.. but i thought you need a lot more than like 45w to grow multiple plants...
am i misunderstanding what your using for lights?
for my single plant, im using a 18w/19w daylight compact flu light. my pot that has two plants is using a 26w or somethin compact flu light (daylight too).

whats a t-5 and how much?