am i nervous dumb or confused?


Active Member
Allright, i know people have probably asked this before but i myself need a straight up answer. i have two plants, one is free seed the other is primo quality (guess which one) anyways, i have never used fertilizers, ive only used good ol sun and water for there entire life cycles, its nearing october and i live in northern ontario so time is running out, What do i do to maximize these plants or should i just keep givin em water... like i said i have never used ferts in my life let alone the plants life, i need product names which ones how much (n-p-k) please help,
...nervous dumb and confused!


Active Member
Try an get an organic bloom nute. Any will do eg 1-15-14. Give it that for a while then flush your soil with water a week or so before harvest.


Well-Known Member
If you don't wanna go out and buy nutes then just give them some molasses, its really good for them, espicially when they're in their 3-4th week of flowering. you can expect to get ur buds to sweel by about 20%.Take 2 tablespoons of mollases and mix it in about a gallon of water, stir it up and make sure its totally mixed, and then just serve! :)

Cheers :)