Am I ready to Harvest!? See Pictures..

So yeah I have had this bagseed seed I planted. Unknown then veg time. its about 2 feet tall or a lil taller
Has been flowering under a 600w HPS since Oct 1st. It's now Nov 14th 43 days. I also had this under a 150W hps prior for 2 weeks.....

I lost my stupid microscope I had so I have no way to look at trics, Does this look ready? I'll be happy with an ounce dry.. Let me know!

Thanks much



Well-Known Member
2-3 more weeks IMO. Your going to want to see the hairs change to orange then red it looks like, so watch for them to ripen. You should be able to tell when it's done.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
try to get a loupe and start checking the trichromes in a week or so. i agree with the 2-3 week range to harvest. GL


Well-Known Member
I wanna pick so bad! haha, but i'll wait till the end of NOV>
No dude, just wait til it's DONE. If that takes til the middle of December, then let it be.

Trust me, if you pull the trigger early, you will regret it. Whats a few more weeks when you already have months invested?