Am I the only grower that doesn't smoke?


Well-Known Member
Theres actually lots of people around here that grow it and don't smoke it. I'm one of 'em. The wife still does though and we gotta give the women what they want right ?
I enjoy growing and wish I would have started growing years ago when I still smoked. I had a great appreciation for shit as good as mine.

cap master

Well-Known Member
Theres actually lots of people around here that grow it and don't smoke it. I'm one of 'em. The wife still does though and we gotta give the women what they want right ?
I enjoy growing and wish I would have started growing years ago when I still smoked. I had a great appreciation for shit as good as mine.
yes we do or we will be in the dog house for quite a while I think all us taken men know what that's like lmao


Well-Known Member
Here's a train wreck plant that I treated awhile ago,, IMG_20160112_232043.jpgthe hormone causes uncontrollable stretching which was a pain

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I gave up smoking and growing for 11 years. My wife got a big job in a little town, and I agreed to give it up. She is about ready to retire and I got to thinking about growing again last summer. I tried lots of my old seed and couldn't get anything to pop. In the time I had stopped growing, I had become a respected {ha} member of the community and couldn't ask any of my old buddies for seed. I didn't want anyone knowing I was growing. So I got a few from my BIL. My main objective was to get seeds, so I had to smoke the tops to see which ones were keepers. It threw me for a loop. It was hard to decide on what to keep because I was getting ripped on all of them. I did make a few seeds, and some bud to go with them. I smoke a couple of one hitters most days. But it was the growing that got me back in, not the smoking.


Well-Known Member
why not just use colloidal? just an experiment? or branch manipulation?
Its experimental, next time ill try colloidal silver,, and far as safty, its used by mostly fruit growers to grow seedless crops and promote more fuiting sites. And people that are not buying purely organic fruits and vegi's are consuming it,


Well-Known Member
Grow only hate the smell of actual burning weed lol have a occasional hit but really do not smoke i guess that is why i always had money lol i mean imagine a crack dealer selling and using it he be out of business in no time

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I very, very rarely smoke. I just don't function very well when I'm high, and my life is too busy to waste on a non-functional day. Every few months or so, I will blaze up and watch Steven Winwood and Eric Clapton At Madison Square Garden or something, but for the most part I'm just not into it. It makes it tough to evaluate new strains; I have to give free samples to friends and say, "here are 5 bags, numbered 1 through 5. please take notes and let me know how each smokes, and - well, enjoy it!"

I grow for two reasons - first, because I absolutely, positively love the plant - the smell, the look of it, everything about it; and second, because it's my life's goal to find and grow the best medical strains that I possibly can. So I grow commercially on a relatively small scale to study the characteristics of different strains, and to help finance my quest to find and/or develop some top-notch medical strains. I know that for many people, good medical marijuana makes the difference between a life that's unbearable and a life that's livable and even enjoyable, and in some cases perhaps the difference between a life and no life at all - literally. This is something I happen to be very good at, and something I love doing, and I feel that it's what I am literally meant to do at this point in my life.


Well-Known Member
Monkz you're welcome in my boat anytime.
I've got purple kush lined up next, but after that I need a good CBD/pain control, appetite stimulating strain. I'm open to suggestions.
Cheers dude, if you ever sail over to Spain let me know ;)
And yeah, I'll be posting videos every week and giving reports on the strain depending on the feedback I get from patients :)