Am I the Worst Cloner in History?


Active Member
Hello, I am the worst cloner ever.

I have taken over 1000 cuttings and have been succesful about 50 times.

I have tried many different techniques. Jiffy pucks w/ dome, jiffy pucks w/o dome, rockwool cubes, bubble cloner etc...

THe most success I had was my first run with my home made bubble cloner, 10 out of 15 cuttings took. I have tried twice with the bubble cloner since then only to fail miserably.

I use roottech cloning gel, which is all my local hydro guy recommends and I have only heard praise for it on here and other boards, so I dont think the gel is the problem, especially since lots of people dont use any gel or hormone at all and still seem to get 90+% success.

I just dont get it. I have been struggling with this for nearly 2 years. I clean out my trays and vaccumm the area befor I start. I clean everything, wipe my scissors with alcohol befor I take a cutting and I dip right away. I make sure to use lots of gel.

The strain doesnt seem to matter, I can't clone any starin I try. The one successful run in the cloner was Blue Cheese, my second try was Blue Cheese as well and they all failed.

People tell me Kush is the easiest strain to clone? I have tried Bubba, OG and an OG/Bermeese Kush cross called Bud Lite.....FAIL

I like to think I'm a good grower. I get the basics of how a plant works and I have pulled many good sized crops of fantastic quality weed from my tiny flower room.

I hate bringing in clones, they are almost always infected with something; thrips, mites, mildew you name it I have imported them all at some time or another from bringing clones from other growers into my room.
I also hate the fact that I have no control over the strain when buying clones. In my area if you want clones you can choose from Bubba Kush, Purple Kush or OG Kush. THATS IT. All of which come with a complimentary infection of some sort, but which infection in particular is always a surprise.

IS there anyone else out there struggling like me?
If you have struggled like me in the past, what changed everyhting for you? Is there some tiny detail that you adjusted that made alll the difference in the world?



Active Member
Can you imagine if I took 1000 fan leaves and wondered why I wasnt having any success

Also could you imagine successfully cloning fan leaves about 50 times :shock:

Ive found that keeping a high humidity is kind of make or break for cloning. I've killed and rejuvinated all based on humidity before.

The Knuck

Active Member
i grow in soil but do all my cloning in a bubbler, thats just me, i get over 95% to live.

have you tried soaking pucks, dip in gel, give them a good spray, put them in a dome under a simple floro, and forget about them for 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Easy cloning

This is what I do, why I do it, and how.

What you need
Sharp small scissors I use Frisker’s and get them from Hommer depot. They last me for years but all I use them for is clowning. I clean them with an alcohol swab before using. They stay sharp and have great control. I always put the cover back on and clean them before putting them away.
16 oz. translucent beer cups, I use the translucent ones because they allow me to see if they are watered enough and the development of the root system. I use a small pocket knife to poke 2 holes one on each side. Stick the knife in a ¼ inch and give it a small twist. Holes plug slots almost never. This is for drainage.
Rooting gel, get some good stuff, if in a jam get powder. This provides the boost to get them going.
Seed starter soil; make sure it’s SEED STARTER SOIL. Buy the best you can afford. I use MG and it works great for starting them.
Get your stuff together, fill cups to the top with SEED STARTER SOIL set them in the trays and water with 6.5 ph water. If using chlorinated water put some in a pail for 2 hours. It will off gas by then. Water the cups, here is when you will see the magic of the cups being translucent. So there all wet now you cut.
You best bet is to make sure you have a node to stick in the dirt. So cut below the 3 node just above the 4 one. Clip leaves off the 3erd node and pull the clone through your thumb and finger (make a O with them) as you pull it through gently squeeze your thumb over the finger to close the O and trap the clone tips just above your finger. Now cut the tips off, stick in gel/powder and stick it in the cups as far as you can but leave the leaves above the top of the cup.
Water when you see the colour of the dirt change, the magic of the cups. Hope this helps.
I get 98% success this way. No dome just under the lights.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your cloneing issues. maybe i can give some advice as i have an almost 100% clone rate.
#1 i get about 5 gallons of water p.h. it to 5.5 add 1ml of dip n gro. mix well.
#2 take cuttings from shoots(you can tell the diffrence right?)
#3 toss cuttings into water i usually use rockwool cubes or rapid rooters.just toss the medium on top of the cuttings for 15 will hold them down under water.
#4 after they are soaking for 15 min or so your done. put the cuttings into medium,cut back fan leaves. i dont use a dome mist every other day.just make sure your medium doesnt dry out.
this has worked for me for close to a year or so. good luck.


Well-Known Member
i use roottech to great stuff. i use a homemade ez cloner an have a 100% succses rate. i have 4 strains bubba kush, trainwreck, lemon g13, and super skunk. ive done jiffy pellets had about 50% succses rate. the only advice i can offer is to find out a way that works for you and stick with it. get some root66 or clonex nute solution or even some bloom nutes stay away from alota nitrogen, an use like 1/4 strength (only in hydro cloner, peat soak the pellets in solution then just phd water at 5.5 to 6.0.)