am i to paranoid


Active Member
i recently inherated some plants from a friend who didnt know what he was doing. i have had them flowering for 4 days or so now and i have 3 for sure females. the others i cannot tell but im stressed they are males and have opened and are destroying the females. is it better to cut them down now or hold out till im for sure there males i dont know how soon they begin to drop polen.
im trying to get a camera to take some pics of them to see if you can decide i dont want to cut down good crops. but only have a 400w hps lamp on 8 plants in a hydro set up.
also he streached the plants when they where younge have a toon of stem before leafs wondering if this will be a problem later on then the buds get bigger.
thanks should have some pics in the next few days


Active Member
ok accadently posted it twice this computer is really slow. but on a better note i got accepted for horticulture at a school here!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
the males always start developing little pollen sacks, before they begin to release the pollen in the air, so theres a far difference in appearance than female buds.


Active Member
yeah ive reserched alot into it but dont even have a micro scope and its my first grow like this. so i think im overly protective and nerviouse. its kind of like when my first kid was a baby everything = sudden doom


Well-Known Member
dont worry about having a microscope lol, the little pollen sacks arnt that small. plus they all bunch up together in little bunches and clearly dont resemble buds since buds grow white hairs out of them.


Well-Known Member
The following image displays a male plant at about 10 days flowering.

Photo Contributed By: PLAYn



Well-Known Member
The following image clearly displays a female plant at about 10 days flowering, using a 400w HPS. NOTE: Indica dominant strains will flower faster than Sativa varieties.

Photo Contributed By: OldPink



Active Member
cool thanks so much ill get some pics of them soon also so i can get some opinions on the streching they indured in there younger life before i adopted them to see if they will even hold up with buds on them.


Active Member
there in the red hyrdo rocks i dont know the name off hand ive got a decent buzz going now think duct tape and a clothes hanger would work. god i love duct tape


Well-Known Member
volktron id not worry about the strecthing (assuming they are not too bad) i,m doing my ritst grow and they started off to far for light and were actually falling over at 90% was going to scrap them and start again however they are quite a reziliant plant WEED and they ar enow doing fine, i,ll post pic as example

these were 7th of may was going to kill em start again


Active Member
good news checked them today all female but one that hasnt done much yet. think i see some balls will have pics tommorow. not bad 7 out of 8 female so far.