Am I underwatering

Ok, my second attempt is going better that the first. I actually got 3 plamts (hopefully ladies) that have sprouted. Last time I am sure I overwatered and killed them. This time I am using the instructions on the GH Rapid Pooter pack which states " ... Water with 16 oz of water every 2-3 days" Ok so I have but 1st I think my grow self was unlevel (fixed now) but the way were the water flowed is were the spoutes ened up. Should I increase my watering to 16 oz a day, 8oz a day, or keep to the instructions. and 2nd Is there no hope now for the rest.


Well-Known Member
you should water by feel - water thouroughly enough for water to run out of the drain holes at the bottom of your pots. don;t water again until the soil is dry several inches down - use your finger to test