Am I weird?


Active Member
Can someone please tell me if this is normal?
When I saw the little nub in the first picture I said to myself, "is that a male organ or a seed or what the hell is that thing?"
Looked around some more and noticed another, like the one in the second picture. See the little hair that's curled up in the end?
The third and fourth pictures, though hard to see, are the same type of thing, a little more developed.

So, as long as those hairs keep poppin out of those things I'm ok, right?
Or am I screwed already?



Active Member
While i can't really see whats goin on in the pics with the outlines on them, it DOES seem to me from the other pics that its a male/hermie. KILL IT if that is the case imo.


New Member
Yea im going LlamaKing. it kinda looks like hermies but ur pictures are blurry and the outline doesnt help at all.


Well-Known Member
Its hard to tell from the pics. Hermie or not, I wouldnt kill it, looks like your already at least a couple weeks into flowering. Finish her out and enjoy, seeds or no seeds.


Active Member
Sorry about the pictures. I'll try to fix them or get new ones.
I have two other plants in there with it, so I guess this one has to die.
Dam. It's a nice plant, but so are the other two.
Thanks for the guidance.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Pick off the nuts. But watch carefully, some female parts kinda look a little boyish at first. Nuts usually grow in little clusters, like grapes, or look almost like a little cat's paw.


Active Member
If that was your only plant I would say keep it I mean WTF why not. If you got other plants you wana keep sensi you gota kill that hermie, if it is indeed a hermie, you will be shocked at how many seeds a few male flowers can put out there.


Well-Known Member
it goin herm bro...I had one do it to me and I cut the branches with the balls on them off....ended up with a nice plant...2 seeds in the whole thing and the rest of my grow was fine....thats if you just cant bring yourself to kill it


Well-Known Member
I killed it.
It's painful killing them - my husband always wants to just take the boys to another location and let them live. I have a BIG one that's turned out to be male and he wants to take it to another part of our place, but I think it may have an "accident" with a "deer" tonight since I took it out of the greenhouse away from the definite girls.

Call me Bambi! ;)

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
It's painful killing them - my husband always wants to just take the boys to another location and let them live. I have a BIG one that's turned out to be male and he wants to take it to another part of our place, but I think it may have an "accident" with a "deer" tonight since I took it out of the greenhouse away from the definite girls.

Call me Bambi! ;)

just make hash outta the male! Still will get ya stoned!



Well-Known Member
True - I could tell him to try that. I'm in charge of enough. I've just heard mixed opinions about males having any worthwhile THC worthy of the process of making hash.


Well-Known Member
Pick off the nuts. But watch carefully, some female parts kinda look a little boyish at first. Nuts usually grow in little clusters, like grapes, or look almost like a little cat's paw.

Look around and find all of them and just pick them off as they show up


Active Member
That was probably female. You do know that buds are false seed pods? That happened to me once and I freaked out, but I let mine live and ended up with nice buds. . . . . .


Active Member
It was definitely female, but started growing nuts three weeks into flowering. I cracked one open and found pollen, or at least something that looked like pollen.
There are two others in the room that I do not want pollinated so I sacrificed the one.


Well-Known Member
and dont make hash out of males. waste of time. the only things to make worth while hash from are Trichrome covered leaves. just so ya know. sorry to hear about the hermie. at least your other two plants wont have seeds. good luck.