am i where i need to be? advice?


hey so here's a few pics, this is my most successful grow so far, its bagseed and the only problem I had was some early neglect.. (i forgot to feed them until they were literally STARVING but they are back on track)
so the larger plant is probably been growing and getting nutes for 12 days.


Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
Looks like you may have a rich blend of nutes.

Are the leaves shriveling? I see the discolor on the one but some of the leaves look like they are hurtin...


Prolly not far off track if you starved them once. They could be bigger but its your first pretty much.
the discoloration was from the plant not being fed early on.. there is very little discoloration on the nodes that have developed since feeding began.
the pot that i'm using is 8" diameter and about 12" deep. How tall of a plant can i realistically grow without running into rootbound issues?


updated photos,

is this nute burn?? or Mg deficiency?
I'm doing my research but still am not 100% positive i can diagnose this issue...
The veins are still fairly green along the middle of each yellowing leaf.. and only the worst plants have a dry texture.

i think it got over fed... i am going to back off the nutes and spread out the doses.. i was feeding every day.



maxigro i have their veg mixture and their bloom mixture. i just went to the store and got some peruvian bat guano.
I flushed yesterday and the water that came out was very yellow colored. I have not touched them since. the yellowing seems to have stayed the same.. some of the leaf tips are curling up...

I read that for a Mg deficiency i might see leaves turning upward and yellowing from the tip down. that's what is happening but i also over-fed enormously over the last week so it could just be nute burn.

so.. im keeping it just plane ph'ed water for the next couple of days



Run off needs to be clear and check the pH of it as well as the water your puttin in it. Let it recover then start adding nutes gradually like 25% a week 50% a week and so on let the plant tell you what it wants. Dont feed cause thats what the box says judge your food by how fast it grows and the foliage development. Looks like a heat issue as well or distance from light