Amanita muscaria experience


Well-Known Member
All I have to say is holy shit. A friend of mine owns an ethnobotanical website so everytime I go to his house there's always something that we do. Being it intoxicating or not. Regardless, I've learned a lot from him and his plants. Him and his wife are both very obsessed with the qualities of the amanita so I decided to give it a try. that struck me as odd and never did it with them for the longest time because all I have heard was negative things about it.
Before I left one night I bought a quarter pound off of him to 'play' with. The first night that I had them I ingested 3 grams by mouth. I started to feel kind of.. Clammy and fuzzy(?).. So I decided to smoke a fat bowl and meditate with all these chakra pyramids and different other ceremonial things around me on this fluffy blanket. That was very nice actually. My imagination would stream off into different directions that it normally does not during meditation. Especially not in that short of an amount of time. I'm not quite sure how to explain that but it was.. different..

Then the next day.. Oh the next day. This is where I said fuck it I'm going to see where these go. I invited a couple friends over and gave them each a quarter of an ounce to munch on. They had a great time watching Princess Mononoke.. However.. Me.. Lol. Wow. I first ate 3 grams to start and then shortly after just snacked on a cap that weighed 11 grams until it was gone. I knew that was going to make me.. Gone.. But that's what I asked for in the first place.
So things start to get really, really weird and I decide to do my signature move, the fetal position. I was then convinced I had fallen asleep because it felt like everything skipped over. I rose my neck and said 'Did I fall asleep'. As soon as I thought that I fell asleep and had woken up that's when things got really.. really. FUCKED. Fucked is the only word I would use to describe that. My friends informed me that I had, in fact, just laid down 30 seconds prior. That really confused me and I knew I was in for it.

The experience was so bizarre that I am not quite sure how to explain it. It felt like the entire universe, or at least what I saw as the universe in the range of my immediate senses was entirely made of rectangular blocks that were about 1x3 meters. These blocks were shifting violently and they were part of me as well. They would steal my thoughts away from me and stretch them across the room. they were doing the same thing with my body parts. I remember at one point I couldn't speak(I couldn't the entire time) simply because my mouth roof was on the other side of the room and my tongue was opposite. I can't even explain that. There is a condition called Alice in Wonderland syndrome. It kind of reminds me of that. None of my body parts were in the right place. Or my thoughts. I could feel where my body was.
the only reason why was because I was absolutely covered in drool(seriously, not even exaggerating I could've filled a 5 gallon bucked with drool that night) and sweat. I could feel the clammy sickness of my body and where it resided on the couch. But 'I' was everywhere else at once. I could never pull myself together.
If I concentrated hard enough I could mutter some words but apparently it just sounded like incoherent mumbling.

I then woke up, friends gone. It was 4:30am. I started originally around 8:30pm. I still couldn't walk. Not dizzy walk. Kind of like the shroom or aya dizzy where you know you could dodge the wall, but you run into it anyways looking down at your feet giggling just because you don't care. But omit the giggly part because I was... Zarred. Is that even a word? It should be.
I did not sleep the rest of the night and had a perfectly awake day the next day.

I cannot say that this was a negative experience. Difficult? Yes. But only because of the disorganization. Which was actually fascinating. Will I do it again? Yes. Even in that high of a dosage I will do it again. Tha realm was one that.. Is indescribable.

I know this 'elixir wizard'(that's what we call him) guy and he says that one of the most powerful brews that he has ever concocted was made from both pscilocybe and amanita mushrooms along with syrian rue and opium poppy. He says the first time he didn't use the poppy and it was something he swore to never try again until someone he met was familiar with that specific combination and said that the poppy was absolutely necessary to get the full experience so that you can actually relax.. Sort of..

Interesting stuff, these plants..
Brain lesions?
The hippies don't tell you that. Gonna have to do some homework now.

Those of course are the first choice. I just felt the need to have a new experience since they were talking so highly of it.

One thing I am confused about though. Is Amanita considered a delerient or a dissociative? It seemed to have aspects of both. Though I haven't had a delerient in quite a few years.
Dissociative neurotoxin... although I've seen it classified as a deliriant too by some users
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Dissociative / deliriant not to much of a difference

as far as being neurotoxic , I believe in the natural or low temp dryed state it's much worse ,
I will say that there is a difference and this opinion is souly based off of the effects of diphenhydramine and dextromethorphan in high dosages. Diphenhydramine = Spiders, talking to invisible people thinking they are real, feeling like absolute shit. Dextro = Holy trippy fuck, I gained huge abstract insight however I have forgotten most of it.

Ketamine does not equal datura.
I do agree with the fact that there is not.. Much.. Of a difference. These days I prefer the rainbows.

I did not even know that amanita was neurotoxic. The ones I ate were dried completely. I still have one cap and this picture that my buddy who had them drew me in my memory safe :)

Any of you have experiences with it? It is something I will maybe do a couple more times just to see how it is in conjunction with psilocybe. Because apparently, that is a full.. No idea haven't experienced it. But apparently it really is something.

For the next few months though I'm thinking ayahuasca, LSD, mushrooms and peyote are just fine.

Low dosages of ayahuasca as a meditation aid are... So beneficial.
Sure their is/are differences between the different substances ,but many can be classified as bolth Dissociative / deliriant, Honestly when I think Dissociative / deliriant I think about a experiance that I cant tell if it's real or not , but with standard hallucitions the reality is apparent

Every time I had amanita's I sweat like hell and dehydrate myself , which gives me headaches luckly I can sleep on them . I think even if it were not for the headache's it still would be a sub-par experiance with no euphloria.

One day I will try the tradiotional way , once i find that special someone
What is the traditional way?
The sweat thing was kinda gross haha

If the traditional way has something to do with sex, then I'd way rather have the need to clean my bed spread for both of our sweat and drool :)
"my signature move, the fetal position" hahaha!
:p always. When I was a kid I never liked furniture, I'd either be in fetal position or on my back with my legs behind my head. That was my comfortable position. Nowadays I compose myself.
But if I am tripping, you bet I'll be in the fetal position, intense or not. If it is really intense.. That's how I'll be the whole time.. But I am also obsessed with doing things that I don't want to do while I am tripping.

I do not wish to go into walmart while seeing full fractals, but I will do it purely because I know it will be difficult for me.
I do not wish to dance around the fire while every time I exhale I leave my body, and inhale come back to life. But I will do it dammit because everyone else is.
What is the traditional way?
The sweat thing was kinda gross haha

If the traditional way has something to do with sex, then I'd way rather have the need to clean my bed spread for both of our sweat and drool :)

the tradiotional way is to drink the urine of someone who has ingested some, The active is said pass thru the body unchanged while breaking down some of the componts that make you ill
The elixir wizard that I was speaking of actually told us that he drank his own pee and had good results.. No judgement I guess, he's a cool guy.
I know animals do it.
Hmm.. Extracted muscimol?

Who's main?
mainliner...seems like something hed be into..just long as its not herion(:-D)
i may try em one day,im like you and all ive heard is bad things..i really dont wanna sweat,and trip for 8hrs..doesnt sound like my cup of urine...
I will say that there is a difference and this opinion is souly based off of the effects of diphenhydramine and dextromethorphan in high dosages. Diphenhydramine = Spiders, talking to invisible people thinking they are real, feeling like absolute shit. Dextro = Holy trippy fuck, I gained huge abstract insight however I have forgotten most of it.

Ketamine does not equal datura.
I do agree with the fact that there is not.. Much.. Of a difference. These days I prefer the rainbows.

I did not even know that amanita was neurotoxic. The ones I ate were dried completely. I still have one cap and this picture that my buddy who had them drew me in my memory safe :)

Any of you have experiences with it? It is something I will maybe do a couple more times just to see how it is in conjunction with psilocybe. Because apparently, that is a full.. No idea haven't experienced it. But apparently it really is something.

For the next few months though I'm thinking ayahuasca, LSD, mushrooms and peyote are just fine.

Low dosages of ayahuasca as a meditation aid are... So beneficial.

Ive seen the spiders on benydral .. very creepy
Ive seen the spiders on benydral .. very creepy
Yeah but being in a room with the door closed, and hearing "people" whispering outside your door when you're the only one home and then seeing shadow people rushing towards you is slightly more terrifying in my opinion... thats what I experienced on only 150mg... first and LAST time I ever did that shit.
mainliner...seems like something hed be into..just long as its not herion(:-D)
i may try em one day,im like you and all ive heard is bad things..i really dont wanna sweat,and trip for 8hrs..doesnt sound like my cup of urine...
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