My first and only time I tried amanita's, first my stomach hurt unbelievably bad, it felt like metal blocks were turning in my stomach. Followed by the worst vomiting of my life. The only high I had, was from lack of oxygen while I was puking.
I've heard from people who actually enjoy amanitas that it really really matters where they came from... potency and effects vary a ton from place to place and different environments (like most things, but even moreso for these things). I'd be willing to try them but have never seeked them out or thought about spending money on them or anything.
Lol....Story I got was he got banned with the option to come back if h behaved? Dunno how much truth there is....He was parading around here the other day as "Spyrus" 28/F....That comma shit gave him away tho..LMFAO
My first and only time I tried amanita's, first my stomach hurt unbelievably bad, it felt like metal blocks were turning in my stomach. Followed by the worst vomiting of my life. The only high I had, was from lack of oxygen while I was puking.
That's the same story I've always heard....Only a few people get the trippy effect? Mostly a lot of puking and feeling like shit with no buzz....I like guaranteed to be F'd N da A