Amber and clear on same plant? with pictures.


Active Member
I was just checking my girls and I'd say for the most part they need a bit more time BUT I did find a branch here and there that looked ready.

Here are two pictures from different locations on the same plant. Sorry about the poor photo quality. I'm using my phone.

Is it normal to have such a variation in a single plant?



Well-Known Member
very buds are usually more mature. Which means you could pop off the top buds if you wanted and let the rest mature. Or let her go another week, or chop her now. Start water only mode now if you havnt already. GJ!


Well-Known Member
Is it normal to have such a variation in a single plant?
Of course.

Here's a mater' plant.

The fruit doesn't ripen at the same time, and neither do the flowers of our ganja plants. Why the fuck "we", as growers, feel the need to chop the entire plant as opposed to harvesting individual flowers when they are ready is beyond me.

If you've got ripe flowers, pick em'.

If you don't, don't.

Best of luck, regardless.