Amber Glass BHO

alright ive conceided to the fact

not many gonna think like me

you guys are just a hoot for me

but realise i mod HS so butane concentrates are not taboo to me if taboo for you keep it at that

taboo for just YOU

not ear aches for me

I'm not hating on you. I love me some oil too. But I do understand blasting is a risk and every possible precaution should be taken when making it. It's a real and serious risk.
its perfect consistency to me honestly works great for most applications

i just think that the people that do get their kids taken away for being a retard

kinda deserved it

if your growing around your kids

you deserve to be in jail

if your making hash around your kids

you deserve to be in jail....
What about the people who have died from BHO extractions?

lulz... is samuel L jackson in the house?

if your growing around your kids

you deserve to be in jail

I don't agree with that. Every house in America has a bottle of bleach or draino in it. That's far more dangerous for a kid than a cannabis plant.

if your making hash around your kids

you deserve to be in jail....

With oil, I agree. Ice water hash, not so much. Doesn't present a safety risk for the kids.
i understand it is a risk as well if i seem casual i dont mean to man my social filter is fucked up

but no i dont think they deserved to die

but they died of their own stupidity by doing somethign they dont know that much about

with that being said would it be a guns fault it shot someone? no its the persons fault

the person doing the actions carries the blame in my eyes always will

we just feel diff on that

we feel the same on the safety maybe i didnt explain it more

we feel the same on the fact that i can see ppl using oil as a tool against legalization

but we feel diff on where the blame lies and and the fact i think it can be done but it has to be done properly
I don't agree with that. Every house in America has a bottle of bleach or draino in it. That's far more dangerous for a kid than a cannabis plant.

With oil, I agree. Ice water hash, not so much. Doesn't present a safety risk for the kids.

thats coo mate i dont agree in any form of promotion of delinquency

ive seen kids that straight abuse becasue of their parents green thumb

edit ps it wasnt so much a saftey issue with the oil yes

but its more or less a moral issue which i know everyones gonna have diff opinions on
I don't agree with that. Every house in America has a bottle of bleach or draino in it. That's far more dangerous for a kid than a cannabis plant.

With oil, I agree. Ice water hash, not so much. Doesn't present a safety risk for the kids.
No one deserves to die from a BHO explosion.
No children deserve to be put into foster care.
I grew up in a cannabis garden, no substance abuse problems here.
Considering the slew of alternative extraction methods, I try to support 100% safe extraction methods.
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<strong><strong>i understand matt i understand im just saying keep it your support not a forced opinion<br />
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you know i kinda felt i was being talked down the throat too before<br />
<br />
not saying you were at all again my social filter is FAWKED<br />
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heres alittle vid might help yah</strong></strong></p>
No one deserves to die from a BHO explosion.
No children deserve to be put into foster care.
I grew up in a cannabis garden, no substance abuse problems here.
Considering the slew of alternative extraction methods, I try to support 100% safe extraction methods.

For sure. As a second/third generation grower, I know that growing in itself doesn't harm children. My whole family are growers, same with my girlfriends family. With ~10 growers in my family, most with children, there has never been a safety concern.But if a parent makes BHO around their children, they kinda do deserve to have their kids taken away IMO. That's not cool.
dude can i ask something matt

how is it okay for you to say that your exception to the rule is cool

but my exception to the rule for bho isnt?

just dont get it
for some odd reason http links SCREW up my posts when i edit

anyone haveing this problem dan matt?
dude can i ask something matt
how is it okay for you to say that your exception to the rule is cool
but my exception to the rule for bho isnt?
just dont get it

Please explain more. What is my exception?

Here is an article I published long ago on BHO.

What is BHO and is it safe?

Published by Matt Rize

What is BHO and is it safe?

What is BHO? Simply put, BHO is a waxy concentrated cannabis extract made by pushing liquid butane (which liquefies easily) through a tube packed with frosty buds. The resulting solution is a mix of concrete oils, waxes, cannabinoids, terpenoids, and sometimes chlorophyll. Butane is a nonpolar chemical solvent made from petroleum and natural gas. Trichome gland heads and their psychoactive contents, the cannabinoids, are also nonpolar. This means liquid butane quickly dissolves the trichome heads, and cannabinoids, because trichomes are coated with a nonpolar wax and butane is a strong nonpolar solvent.

A solution of cannabinoids, waxes, and oil dissolved in butane comes out the other end. The butane/cannabis wax solution is evaporated, and the remaining BHO has a texture that varies from glass-like to oily. Post extraction treatments include washing with alcohol, whipping, and other tricks or steps to remove the butane smell, remove the plant waxes, and alter the appearance. BHO goes by many names. This is a result of the variety of textures that may occur from butane solvent extractions and the numerous post extraction treatments: honey, erl, hash oil, honeycomb, honey toast, wax, shatter, glass, whip, comb, 'tane, the list goes on. Possibly the biggest fans of smoking BHO are the same tokers who favor colorful slang. Most part-time tokers find BHO to be too strong to smoke recreationally or medicinally. :p &#8230; not me.
Camping and cooking butane have mercaptans added for the recognizable rotten egg smell. When we say butane in the extraction industry we are talking about refined odorless butane. Here is Vector Butane's MSDS, the butane product most BHO is made with. It's not toxic, but is extremely flammable. &#8220;Handling and Storage: Do not handle or store near heat, sparks or flame. Contents under pressure (aerosol can). Exposure to heat in excess of 120° F may cause cans to burst. Vapor density heavier than air and highly flammable. &#8221;
Also of note: Summary of hazards and composition. Generally &#8220;butane&#8221; refers to both normal butane and isobutane. Vector is actually three gases including 11% propane. Isobutane and Propane may be more toxic than actual butane:
&#8220;SUBSTANCE: Butane Percent: 60.00
CAS#: 106-87-8 Synonyms: n-Butane, Tetrane

SUBSTANCE: iso-Butane Percent: 29.00
CAS#: 75-28-5 Synonyms: 2-Methylpropane, Trlmethylethane

SUBSTANCE: Propane Percent: 11.00
CAS#: 75-98-6 Synonyms: LPG, Dimethylmethane, Propylhydride

EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE! Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame.&#8221;
The problem with BHO (butane extract) is two fold. First, in CA it is illegal to make, sell, or even possess solvent extracts. Chris Conrad tried several different angles and it did not work. The court ruled that making medical marijuana solvent extracts, without a permit, is still a felony:
Here is the California solvent extract law:
Section 11379.6(a) states: "Except as otherwise provided by law, every person who compounds, converts, produces, derives, processes, or prepares, either directly or indirectly by chemical extraction or independently by means of chemical synthesis, any controlled substance - shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for three, five, or seven years and by a fine up to $50,000"
Yikes, right? The key word is chemical extraction, which is used here synonymously with solvent extraction. This is different than a water extraction, as water is not considered a chemical in this legal sense. Making kif and ice water hash are both physical separations. Water is well known as the universal polar solvent, ie salt and sugar both dissolve easily in water. But whole trichome heads are coated in a nonpolar waxy cuticle (common in the plant world), and do not dissolve in water. No dissolution of trichome heads means no solvent extraction, so no felony. Three cheers for ice water hash and dry screen hash (kief) in CA! Hash hash hooray!
The second problem is that most BHO is not made under hoods in laboratories with safety protocols in place. The BHO sold in dispensaries is mostly made in backyards, motels, tool sheds, and apartments. Most BHO extractors have no safety gear other than an oven mitt. Many extractors say &#8220;just air it out, don't smoke, and you will be okay.&#8221; This is a deadly falsehood and it's time to address the issue so people can take the proper precautions, if they choose to try this at home.
People are dying, others are being severely burnt, apartments are ignited, motels are blowing up, the bad press for marijuana butane extracts is growing. Continuing this is not going to help mmj or legalization on the political stage going forward.
This 2004 Cannabis Culture article, by Reverend Damuzi, explains butane extracts as well. The Reverend Damuzi reports the death of Reverend Donny Appleby via an accidental explosion during a butane hash oil extraction.
&#8220;In October 2003, Reverend Donny Appleby, a med-pot activist and Church of the Universe clergy member, killed himself when he tried to make hash oil medicine to treat his HIV.&#8221;
California Death Related to BHO:
&#8220;Butane Explosion Kills Gilroy Man-
A 45-year-old man who suffered burns to 90 percent of his body during a butane explosion in a Gilroy motel room last week has died at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, where he was hospitalized Thursday night, hospital spokeswoman Joy Alexiou said today... Gilroy police said the explosion that killed Johns resulted from the ignition of a "significant amount of butane" being used to convert marijuana into hash oil.&#8221; I lost the full text news report link, this is from 2006.
Guy dies first time making BHO:
&#8220;An 18-year-old Chilliwack teen is dead after hash oil he was cooking in the bedroom of a McIntosh Drive apartment exploded and burned more than 40 per cent of his body. The teenager... died late Monday at the Victoria Jubilee Hospital where he was taken for treatment of severe burns to his arms and legs following the Saturday morning explosion...&#8221; (link not working)

I'm not trying to say that I agree with CA Section 11379.6(a). Or that making BHO will kill you, the odds are small. But I am saying BHO deaths happen, to the old and young, too often for my liking. In my opinion BHO should not be sold in CA dispensaries as it is illegal. Both the vendors and the dispensaries legally have to dance around (aka lie) about how the BHO they sell is made. The lies are deceptive to newbie patients. Montel Williams repeatedly tells his story (crying usually) of his experience buying mislabeled BHO at a California dispensary. He smoked some and was not happy about it. He claims the residual butane in the BHO he bought at a dispensary made his nerve issues worse. This kind of press does not look legitimate, and it's not needed considering that primo hash and kief test around 50% THC.
Here is Montel's rant against dispensaries to the LA City Council based on his bad BHO experience:

There are some quality BHO extractions available. Some may even be made with lab grade extractors (ie Tamisium), but I am not going to suggest anyone make BHO at home. If you have lab access (and permission in the state of CA), then more power to you. I love smoking some primo 'tane. I just don't want to see more people die from trying this at home. And it makes me sick listening to Montel cry that BHO is not labeled properly in CA dispensaries, because he is correct. Rize UP!
im sorry mate im prolly nott gonna get through clearly give me a couple hours to get back at this

its hard for me to formulate what i have to say so i dont sound like a ass

my wife even has a problem when i talk to her lol

so dont feel like im hostile matt really im not

i honestly dont have a problem with yah

i understand your concern bro

just trust me when i say im safe and ill agree to just not post about making the stuff only smokin it hahahah
High heat really brings out the shatter texture, but it also changes the properties of the cannabinoids and terpenoids. I prefer room temp and whipped, or if needed, a warm water bath.I also have to add that the extraction step really needs to be done outside. There were two bho explosions in my county this week, one was 5 blocks from my house. Folks had their faces and hands melted off because they were blasting inside.
What's up Matt? another thread another question. can you explain more about this cuz I'm thinking of going in the opisite direction w/ this. using nitro. in attemps to keep those CBD'S & Terps.
What's up Matt? another thread another question. can you explain more about this cuz I'm thinking of going in the opisite direction w/ this. using nitro. in attemps to keep those CBD'S & Terps.
nope, sorry. Im not into teaching how to solvent extract as it is highly illegal in the state where I live. whatever you do with solvents, do it outside.
Got you. I just left you a post an your other thread about reading All of your bho info. thus the reason for my q in the other thread. we live in the same state & after reading the fine print I'm following your foot steps. than you
You wish!!!! Sorry, trade secrets.

Sigh... no its not really. BHO is easier to make and comes out more potent. I'm on the wrong team. No one cares about natural safe production and art. Its all about getting as high as possible. I'm an ice water extractivist in a sea of bho-fiends.

its perfect consistency to me honestly works great for most applications

i just think that the people that do get their kids taken away for being a retard

kinda deserved it

if your growing around your kids

you deserve to be in jail

if your making hash around your kids

you deserve to be in jail....

BS...why should I go to jail for growing a plant in the house my kids live?
okay you think its cool for your kid to be around the plant

i dont

its really only okay if the kid is absolutely un aware of it if hes consiences of it he will find out what it is sooner or later

it will spark his curiosity wether you choose to beleive it or not