Well-Known Member
I guess. I just don't follow the logic at all.
i understand mate i understand you may not get me i dont blame you
but my wife does so im happy for it
just smoke something youll get out the funk lol
I guess. I just don't follow the logic at all.
dont tell me what i think is wrong or not
its my fucking kid
you want to have your kid around your grow cool
but this 'what i beleive is totatly right screw you' attitude
is bull
whats right for you isnt right for others
you wanna come at me again in a concentrate forum about growing?
this isnt politics prick
im not saying dont grow aroudn your kids
im saying im not doing mine
i dont give a damn what the fuck do you do to your kid
what the fuck are opinions for?
i just dont get people outa the HS section
turns you all into egotistical pricks that think their right about everything
well wake the fuck up not everyone thinks like you
and final part in my rant
who the fuck you think are to even tell me what is right or not over the internet
you think i give a shit your gonna do what ever the hell you want aroudn your kids?
hey id like my son/daughter to have a certain upbringing
that isnt wrong because its my son /daughter
just like you want to bring your son /daughter up in a certain manner
i jsut dont get why everyone gets on my ass about this casue im not the only grower that thinks this way
not everyone wants their kids immediately shoved into the world im sorrry if you dont like that
sorry my dog shat on my carpet and im abit pissed this morning
the little bitch second time she did it
i may be hypocritical about the growing ican be
but i also think matt can be hypocritical on his water over tane rants lol
im not saying dont grow aroudn your kids
im saying im not doing mine
i dont give a damn what the fuck do you do to your kid
what the fuck are opinions for?
i just dont get people outa the HS section
turns you all into egotistical pricks that think their right about everything
well wake the fuck up not everyone thinks like you
and final part in my rant
who the fuck you think are to even tell me what is right or not over the internet
you think i give a shit your gonna do what ever the hell you want aroudn your kids?
hey id like my son/daughter to have a certain upbringing
that isnt wrong because its my son /daughter
just like you want to bring your son /daughter up in a certain manner
i jsut dont get why everyone gets on my ass about this casue im not the only grower that thinks this way
not everyone wants their kids immediately shoved into the world im sorrry if you dont like that
i understand mate i understand you may not get me i dont blame you
but my wife does so im happy for it
just smoke something youll get out the funk lol
okay you come into the post providing nothign but insult this topis has gone so far off topic that its not even funny
first thing its my personal choice if you choose to not respect that and start bashing me for it fuck off
i admit i was jaded a real man admits when he can be wrong in his assumptions
a real man doesnt start commenting on another mans wife
do me a favor get a life so you dont try and make a feeble comparison to mine
i have a loving wife and a great family
if you think thats sign of a weakness your fucking insane
i thnk your the type of man that kicks someone when their down
you started this shit.
You brought your wife into this, not me.
You wanna call me a prick and think I'm gonna just smile?.....
Well....I'm smiling.
And I'm done being a prick unless you wanna keep it up.
Dont pass judgement on how others raise their kids...and you will get the same courtesy.
again some people are just nuts
i said i admited where i was hotheaded and wrong
you however continue to dig a hole big enough for two
okay you come into the post providing nothign but insult this topis has gone so far off topic that its not even funny
first thing its my personal choice if you choose to not respect that and start bashing me for it fuck off
i admit i was jaded a real man admits when he can be wrong in his assumptions
a real man doesnt start commenting on another mans wife
you honestly think i care what you think of me?
View attachment 2001057 cant we all just sit down and smoke some crack together?
wtf seriously this post turned into lets hate unnks views
you should all seriously look at your selfs
other than that my personal choice s non of your concern
im sorry dan kone if oyu dont agree with me and my way of living but you can seriously suck a long one
i said what i know i have seen and why im making the personal choice for my kids
is that so wrong?
no its called fucking parenting prick so when you have a child
it isnt your job to hound my ass for a explanation to my choice
becasue you honestly think if you dont understand the choice your gonna understand the explanation?
why cant YOU! drop it
I really don't care how you live your life. I don't think anyone else does either. I was just curious to why you were making those statements.
No. I don't think anyone is disputing that. What ever you choices you decide are best for your family are your business. But that's not what people were objecting to.
It was the attitude that the people who don't make the same choices you've made are somehow doing something wrong.
Ok. But you were condemning everyone else who didn't make the choices you've made. so.....
Your choice was to publicly discuss these choices, making it fair game to ask for an explanation. If you weren't running your mouth, this wouldn't have happened.
well I've completely lost faith in that concept at this point, but yes. I was hoping to understand why you think it's bad parenting to grow if you have kids around. Maybe you had a good reason for thinking that, IDK. But I do know it's very strange to be on a growers board if you hold that view. I was just trying to make sense out of that.
You keep posting on it over and over again picking fights with just about everyone. No one is forcing you to do that. I'll post whatever I like thank you.