BiG PuFFer
Well-Known Member
More of what?You can afford to give me more too. So what?
More of what?You can afford to give me more too. So what?
Yes, it is, when you consider that you are asking/demanding the property of others be taken from the owners and given to someone else just because they have less. What you are doing is trying to justify theft.
With the job market for low-skilled labor the way it is, that's not going to happen soon. One should prepare oneself for the job market while one is young and in school. It's not like they weren't warned over and over while they grew up. The people you see at Walmart or McD's didn't. Quite a few of those CEO's are Democrat supporters, so that claim is suspect. The people pushing for a higher minimum wage are the same people pushing for more welfare. Once they've bought your vote with empty promises and got into office, all they do is give lip service to it and blame it not happening on the Republicans. Here's a fun fact. Some guy wrote a book giving details on all the insider trading and other shenanigans congressmen do. He documented stuff that would put you or I in prison on every single one but for two. Those two, he searched and search, but could not find a single blemish. You'll never guess which two. Hint: They're both Republicans.i've already explained..the 1% are using the system to subsidize sub par minimum wage..then those same 1% are trying to cut these programs..even though we are footing the bill..then the 1% have their own loopholes ie; "performance bonus"'s earn 380x average workers what they do 380x better than anyone at their company?..try giving people a living wage.
There's like 330 million people in the US, so I pretty sure it's more than 6. Closer to 3,300,000*estimate i have to double check but it is a very small number..
What have you got? I'm not picky.More of what?
One should prepare oneself for the job market while one is young and in school. It's not like they weren't warned over and over while they grew up. The people you see at Walmart or McD's didn't.
The people pushing for a higher minimum wage are the same people pushing for more welfare. Once they've bought your vote with empty promises and got into office, all they do is give lip service to it and blame it not happening on the Republicans.
They opened the factories, stores, and other businesses the rest of us work in. They are giving back. You've got to look at the whole picture, not just a narrow slice. With out a few rich people, most of us would starve.It's 1% out all the people in this country holding on to 40% of all the money. They can have money. Shit loads of money. But they should also have to put the back into the system. HOW MUCH MONEY IS ENOUGH WHEN JUST ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE IS STRUGGLING?
With out a few rich people, most of us would starve.
You got a TABLE? Rich bastard!Who can afford collage, or business loans. Maybe I could if I didn't have to give a quarter of the money I make to uncle Sam off the top. I'm not talking about getting the new iPhone I'm talking putting food on the table. Good food not poison like McD's
I've not yet sold any for a profit, but I don't see anything wrong with those that do.At least we can agree pot is good, right? I never grew for profit.
I see you missed the point.I've not yet sold any for a profit, but I don't see anything wrong with those that do.
Not fair. You edited the post after I replied.I see you missed the point.