American Dream!?

I'm listening it just doesn't make scents. I'm trying to understand. If you took 40% of there money tomorrow and distributed it to say more like 60% of the people we wouldn't be in a better place?

That would still leave you and 40% of the country in the same situation you are in today.
How much money a year would satisfy you?
Actually dude it wasn't exactly a blast at you. Just how I felt when I read this. Good for you for rising up. I hope it all works out.

How angry someone can get for another just giving there opinion.

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Does it piss you off? it pisses me off. The top 1% has 40% of all the money is this country. I would consider myself as lower middle class and working my up to maybe upper middle class some day. I'm lucky to live check top check when i am employed, and right now i'm not. There are alot of people doing worse then me. This is the American way? I bust my ass for this illusion of an American Dream? It makes me sick. It makes me want to not perticipate. I'm not a Socialist, but the disrubution of wealth in this country is SOO fucked up that the top 5% have more money then the rest of the 95% off Americans "below" them. How do we change this? We have power in numbers, but what do we do? Do we not work, or buy houses we need to live in or utillities we need like heat, water. Do we not shop at Wal-Mart? Life could be so much better for all of us if this money was more evenly distributed the all classes EXCEPT the top 5%. The money in the pockets of these assholes comes from us, the working people. Meanwhile we cant pay are bills, we worry about how were going to get the car fixed and how were going to put food on the table. It makes us edgy and angry and we take it out on each other... If we could redirect that towards some thing that make a change we would be unstopable.. How?

sorry for repost

you are making the cardinal mistake of BLAMING OTHERS for their success.

you are regurgitating the talking points of the Occupy-Tards who produce nothing but rage and solve no problem except how to keep pointless dumbasses from cluttering up our streets and marketplaces with beggars and indolent fools

"wealth distribution" has ALWAYS been unfair and always will be.

you want more stuff, work for it.

your "power in numbers" and desperate attempts to define yourself in a "class" is simple marxist theory. you are not "middle class".

the Middle class is the Petty Bourgeois, shopkeepers, merchants, and capital investors.

if your hands get dirty from your efforts, then you are "Working Class", no matter how high your wage might be.

the "Working Class" is further subdivided into the "Proletariat", who can be readily radicalized becuase they feel oppressed and are "Politically Conscious" enough to embrace the ideas of "Scientific Marxism" and the "Lumpen Proletariat" who are dimwitted sheep. the "Lumpen Proletariat" are simply dead weight until their passions are inflamed with bombastic rhetoric, and they are driven to action by a sufficiently charismatic leader.

thats you.

you do not comprehend the REASONS why you are outraged, save that "shit seems unfair" and have no proposal beyond blind anger, and are now casting about for a leader who will guide you to a solution.

sorry bro. you are a Lumpen Proletarian.
Tldr version of kkkynes' newest manifesto:

"it is your fault that you're poor because you don't bootstrap yourself up and become a 1%er so that you can be the douchebag hoarding wealth you'll never use. A bunch of Marxist bs. You're just jealous. Labor creates no wealth, only job creators do."
Tldr version of kkkynes' newest manifesto:

"it is your fault that you're poor because you don't bootstrap yourself up and become a 1%er so that you can be the douchebag hoarding wealth you'll never use. A bunch of Marxist bs. You're just jealous. Labor creates no wealth, only job creators do."

I dont think you understand the term wealth...
Tldr version of kkkynes' newest manifesto:

"it is your fault that you're poor because you don't bootstrap yourself up and become a 1%er so that you can be the douchebag hoarding wealth you'll never use. A bunch of Marxist bs. You're just jealous. Labor creates no wealth, only job creators do."

Please elaborate on your bootstraps and the wealth you hoard from the public purse.
Am i infinging? Am i wrong for feeling bamboozeled? I'm not being sarcastic i really want to know?

[h=2]Who Pays Income Taxes and How Much?[/h]
Tax Year 2009

[TD="width: 148"]
Percentiles Ranked by AGI
[TD="width: 148"]
AGI Threshold on Percentiles
[TD="width: 148"]
Percentage of Federal Personal Income Tax Paid

[TD="width: 148"]
Top 1%​
[TD="width: 148"]
[TD="width: 148"]

[TD="width: 148"]
Top 5%​
[TD="width: 148"]
[TD="width: 148"]

[TD="width: 148"]
Top 10%​
[TD="width: 148"]
[TD="width: 148"]

[TD="width: 148"]
Top 25%​
[TD="width: 148"]
[TD="width: 148"]

[TD="width: 148"]
Top 50%​
[TD="width: 148"]
[TD="width: 148"]

[TD="width: 148"]
Bottom 50%​
[TD="width: 148"]
[TD="width: 148"]

[TD="width: 443, colspan: 3"] Note: AGI is Adjusted Gross Income
Source: Internal Revenue Service

So who is stopping you from becoming one of the top 25% or even top 10%?
By all means...

Bill Gates is a wealthy man right?

Well, how is he wealthy? By owning pieces of paper in a company he built. A company where thousands of people work each day for compensation.

His wealth is not *sitting around*. It is generating income for thousands and thousands of people and generating products and services the public wants and needs.

If Bill Gates company closed tomorrow there would be no wealth. All it would be is worthless stock certificates and thousands of unemployed people. So, where did the wealth go?

The wealth that Bill Gates has is contributed by investors who voluntarily chose to buy his stock. Those same investors could sell it to someone else tomorrow. They are the ones responsible for his wealth.

If you understood inflation you would also understand that anyone sitting around with piles of *wealth* that are not invested in the market in some way is losing money daily. Rich people dont get and stay rich by losing money. They take that wealth and invest it back into the markets by investing it.
The entire economy is trickle down but none of these knuckleheads seem to understand that...
Bother me not, thou must wait for it to trickle down.

When the economy does better rich people make more money.

Rich people making more money spend more money.

The money they spend trickles down to the business owners who have more money to expand or pay better wages.

The people that are getting paid better buy more things and the cycle continues.

Trickle down does not guarantee that you get rich sitting on your ass, it describes a rising tide lifting all boats.
The entire economy is trickle down but none of these knuckleheads seem to understand that...

AC, like most progs have absolutely no clue what trickle down means,let alone how it works. It's just a catchy liberal phrase that half wits like him use when they can't participate in any kind of discussion relating to the economy.