American Dream!?

AC, like most progs have absolutely no clue what trickle down means,let alone how it works. It's just a catchy liberal phrase that half wits like him use when they can't participate in any kind of discussion relating to the economy.

What's that saying about pissing on your face and calling it rain?

Oh right, trickle down.
The money from the rich people comes from people getting the car fixed and putting food on the table.

Nobody is going to make your situation better but you. Complaining that your neighbor has a better life than you does absolutely nothing to help yourself.

Distributing the money has been tried many times and ultimately ends up with 99% of the population being miserable and 1% being wealthy. You just keep changing the people who are wealthy from people who have earned it to government employees who have stolen it. And at the end the people who can not produce have killed the goose that lays the golden eggs and there is nothing but poverty, starvation and death...

You find a job, you find ways to move up in that company or find a better job, you find ways to make 100,000 per year at your job by being profitable for your company or to start a company for yourself. America is the world of fucking opportunity!!!

What is holding us back right now is Obamacare and thousands of regulations being issued by the government covering every aspect of business life. That shit costs money and that means less jobs and less productivity. We dont need more government, we need less.

The government does not make people wealthy (unless you are a government employee). You have to do that on your own.

here we go.... 3 idiots like a post that treats wealth inequality like a fable about a mythical goose that lays golden eggs.

this is why i can say conservatives are completely disconnected from reality... this is absurd....
here we go.... 3 idiots like a post that treats wealth inequality like a fable about a mythical goose that lays golden eggs.

this is why i can say conservatives are completely disconnected from reality... this is absurd....

Wealth inequality is a slogan.

17 year old kids getting out of high school are poor by defnition. As you grow older and become more competent as a professional you rise higher and higher in income. You act as if people are stuck in the classes they are born into. Only 20% of the 1% actually inherited their wealth. That means 80% went from being poor or middle class to extremely wealthy in their lifetimes.

If you start a job and expect to work the position for 20 years and be making 50 times more than when you started then it is you that is being unrealistic, not the world.
Wealth inequality is a slogan.

17 year old kids getting out of high school are poor by defnition. As you grow older and become more competent as a professional you rise higher and higher in income. You act as if people are stuck in the classes they are born into. Only 20% of the 1% actually inherited their wealth. That means 80% went from being poor or middle class to extremely wealthy in their lifetimes.

If you start a job and expect to work the position for 20 years and be making 50 times more than when you started then it is you that is being unrealistic, not the world.

Did you get rich by mowing lawns?
Did you get rich by mowing lawns?

I have never mowed lawns for a living.

What I do however is a service oriented job. I make about 20 bucks per stop. That doesnt sound like much but 10-15 stops a day is 50,000 - 75,000 per year. Sometimes there are repairs and upgrades so that is extra money. I figure I make about $35.00 per hour after working at this job for about 3 years now. At this point I have created enough income that I am comfortable.

I am working on a website right now and am going to start promoting my other 2 businesses which are in the consulting field. My goal with that project is to increase my income to about $60.00 per hour. If I can do that then within 5 years or so I can have all my debts paid off and be making a nice income with lots going to savings.

Where I go from there depends upon me. Only I know what I am capable of ;]

The point is that success and wealth do not happen overnight. You have to work at them and invest in them.
I have never mowed lawns for a living.

What I do however is a service oriented job. I make about 20 bucks per stop. That doesnt sound like much but 10-15 stops a day is 50,000 - 75,000 per year. Sometimes there are repairs and upgrades so that is extra money. I figure I make about $35.00 per hour after working at this job for about 3 years now. At this point I have created enough income that I am comfortable.

I am working on a website right now and am going to start promoting my other 2 businesses which are in the consulting field. My goal with that project is to increase my income to about $60.00 per hour. If I can do that then within 5 years or so I can have all my debts paid off and be making a nice income with lots going to savings.

Where I go from there depends upon me. Only I know what I am capable of ;]

The point is that success and wealth do not happen overnight. You have to work at them and invest in them.

Oh, so you're not rich and never will be. I'll ask my question to an actual rich person.
Not to get in the way of everyone calling each other dolts and miserable pieces of shit and whatnot, but I was just reading a paper from a couple of guys at Harvard about whether or not a rising tide does lift all boats or not.

They don't argue that trickle down policies don't work but do contend, "There appears to be some trickle-down effects in the long run, but since the impact of a change in inequality on economic growth is quite small, it is difficult to be sure from our estimates whether the bottom 90% will really be better off or not."

Essentially the policies don't deliver nearly as much as many claim and their effects are quite small.