American Pride...


Well-Known Member
Its whining when you piss and moan but don't do anything to stop the cause of the problem. Or is that insanity? To keep doing something over and over hoping for a different outcome but getting the same one each time?

As far as giving money and Aid to foreign countries....America is always at the top of the list, everyone comes to us with their hands out.

I will tell you whats really sad, all these oil rich countries don't give a fucking dime in foreign aid.


Just some idiot
What more can a little guy like me do, I vote....I have the right to whine cause I sure can't change anything. There's a difference between whining and being unhappy. Like I said I vote so I can "whine", let me ask you this, do you like your health insurance? What if you didn't have any? What would you do shut your mouth or "whine"? I actually come from a family of Marines, should I be happy that my "brother" is in some shit hole fighting an oil mans war, or should I "whine"? If I don't like that my grandkids are going to be morons cause our education system is a mess, should I "whine"?

What have you done to make a change? Cause surely you must not "whine". I'm sorry I love America, and right now we look like a bunch of asses.

Nice avatar by the


Well-Known Member
Voting is great you have taken the first step, but both you and I know that isnt nearly enough, elected leaders are full of shit always have been always will be. Most of them are salesman, they tell you what you want to hear so you buy into their product then once you buy it, it turns out to be horseshit.

My life is pretty good, as is that of my family members. I don't go around blaming other people for shit that I can control or decisions I have made that turn sour. If its a problem that I can directly fault someone for or a political entity for that matter, I will take action.


New Member
know it sounds nice to be able to pull away from the world, but then whos gonna keep all the despots, tyrants, rapists of nations, and starvers of children at bay. oh ya and dont forget about the ones who wanna nuke the whole [western] (Change this to eastern) world.

Now you have described the USA under the despot "Bush"


Well-Known Member
great post Victor!

also, i agree with you, Chris. those countries don't give out money because they know we will. our politicians will give them whatever they want... without our consent.



New Member
great post Victor!

also, i agree with you, Chris. those countries don't give out money because they know we will. our politicians will give them whatever they want... without our consent.

Tell me how this works? Our politicians will give them what they want for:
A. contributions to their favorite charity, themselves.
B. Rights to the natural resourses for the corporations.
C. permission to build military bases on their soil.
D. All of the above.


Well-Known Member
I'm proud to be a U.S.A. citizen, or as you say: proud to be American. Truly free is a weird concept: because it means different things. Ron Paul is impressive but I don't see how he or anyone else will make any big changes... maybe you can fill me in...


Well-Known Member
If any of you are readers out there, James Loewen wrote a book titled Lies My Teacher Told Me. It has just been revised with new information and issued in paperback so it doesn't cost an arm and a leg. It is a very good read on the propaganda that goes into our World and American history books. Much of what you believe about how great our nation was has been taught to you through skewed ideas and texts.
Readers also know that history books are written by winners. the nation is great because it's one of the youngest and the top economy in the world. I personally appreciate objective revision, but the fact is the U.S. is made up of many different people from around the world. I would really appreciate you actually saying something you actually stand by.


Well-Known Member
We have 5% of the worlds population. We consume 75% of the worlds goods. uhh... seems a little unbalanced. Its funny, we think we have a right to tell these 'backwards' countries what they should do and how they should go about it. Every time I here about protecting 'our American way of life' I wanna puke. Travel through Germany. You will see folks there have pretty much everything we have. Their country, because of Hitler, was bombed to shit, split by the Soviet Union. Go to Spain, Italy, etc. Same thing. Why? Because they are not out spending the little guys money to make the big guys richer by feeling they have a right, no make that a duty, to 'protect our American way of life'. Their American Way of Life and mine ain't exactly the same.
Can you believe it, we have been told to spend our money when times are hard to keep the economy moving. Here, you don't have any, I'll lend you some of mine, go buy the things you can't afford, so I can afford all the things I want. I'll just a little more money back from you in interest, and raise taxes just a little. You don't support our troops, you are UNAMERICAN. If you want to do what is right for the troops get them the %%456879 out of harms way. 70% of the Iraqi people voted in their election. If we just get out of the way, no let me rephrase that, WHEN we get out of the way, they will have to deal with each other. I watched the ONDCP guy talk about what the International Community, all CIVILIZED nations thing about drugs. Well BULLSHIT.
Check out what LEAP has to say about the war on terror and the war on drugs. Lets say you are a small farmer in Afganistan. And the friut trees you have cared for, been in your family for generations were suddenly wiped out by a bomb. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?? Sit back and say thanks to Alla for protecting the American Way of Life. 5% of the American people 'enjoy' the American way of life. The other 95% pay for it, along with the rest of the WORLDS population and "THEY" have us so indoctrinated we accept all this as being patriotic??
Why should I worry if the stockmarket falls 20 points and the housing market is down? How does that affect me personally?
You talk about freedom, yet you live in the country that has the largest percentage of its population incarcerated. The little people are getting hosed.
Well.. the ice was ready to check so I did. Rant least for now. VV

vick man you can be anything if you put your mind to it. dont hate participate:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Readers also know that history books are written by winners. the nation is great because it's one of the youngest and the top economy in the world. I personally appreciate objective revision, but the fact is the U.S. is made up of many different people from around the world. I would really appreciate you actually saying something you actually stand by.
Well I stand by the fact that American history and World history text books here in the states are incorrect. Other than that, I do not understand what you are getting at. If you are asking me who I am going to vote for, it will most likely be for the highest rated independent. I vote independent in the hopes that 5% of the vote will go their way for federal matching funds in the next election.


Well-Known Member
Well I stand by the fact that American history and World history text books here in the states are incorrect. Other than that, I do not understand what you are getting at.
I'm getting at finding a country anywhere in the world that has all accurate history books. If you are even a fan of history and the science of recording it you would understand my point. So I wonder what you are trying to say but are not saying...


Well-Known Member
I remember those times in school when they first taught us the history of our country.
I remember the pride I had as a child.
I was proud to be a citizen of this great country.
A country that was built by such brilliant, logical, and fair human beings.
Now, as a young adult and having seen the reality we live in,
I can't believe a country with such pure intentions could become this.
I can't believe how far we have come from our roots-
how many freedoms we have given up to the people who claim to protect us.
As a young mother, I fear the world my daughter will have to face.
I fear the reality she would have to raise her children in.
Ron Paul will bring us back to the country we were.
With Ron Paul as president
I would be much more proud to raise my daughter in this country and raise her in a truly free society.
I know exactly what you're talking about I feel the same way. I also think Ron Paul is the only candidate to come along in a long time that can get this country back on track. I never in my life thought I would vote, but I can't wait to vote for Paul in 08 if he gets the Republican nomination. But sadly i think that dumbass Giuliani is going to get it.


Just some idiot
Its whining when you piss and moan but don't do anything to stop the cause of the problem. Or is that insanity? To keep doing something over and over hoping for a different outcome but getting the same one each time?

As far as giving money and Aid to foreign countries....America is always at the top of the list, everyone comes to us with their hands out.

I will tell you whats really sad, all these oil rich countries don't give a fucking dime in foreign aid.
Ok so besides voting how would you suggest I get to the cause of no healthcare for us? How do I stop the so called war? I don't get your point at all. I am more involved then a lot of people, I actually donate money to certian things that I want to help with, mostly enviornmental, and norml.

So the fact is I have to whine as you put it, how much more can I do. I also hate the type that thinks just cause I'm unhappy with some things they think I am's silly I got flags and like I said earlier pretty much every male in my family has been a Marine or a Navy Man. I have the utmost respect for them, but no I'm not happy calling it whining if you want but what would you suggest I do, raise billions to combat big insurance so I can have healthcare. Write Bush a letter asking him to reconsider Iraq. Not being mean but like you said your family is in good shape, lose that benefits tomorrow and then talk to me. I work my ass off, I am self employed trying to make my way in the big mess out there and relatively happy doing it. However I have to pay 500.00 a month for insurance, and I have to pay a self employment tax yada yada, while in most european countries they have the same opportunities and lower taxes and HEALTHCARE. I have to get a second job just to be able to afford to get sick or hurt, it's silly I've voted I've signed petitions yet I am still not doing enough, right? Should I blow up all the insurance companies? I am doing something about it I'm trying everything I can.

Also what have we done for Africa? What I'm saying is if we are supposed to represent freedom we should do it in all cases. If we are going to liberate and help certain countries in crisis why not Africa? I'm sure if you looked at the numbers you would realize that we do actually ignore Africa...why cause they have nothing to give us, no oil no money no nothing.

Our president and his advisors do whatever they want, whenever they want there's no more we the people...we come after big business which is what really runs the country.

Most of the US is against continueing in Iraq last time I checked that means they shouldn't be over there yet nothing is being done, I had a friend serve three tours when he was told one tour max. I have a brother who is a gung ho marine, he's a lifer a major and a pilot, yet he has been there twice...twice why would a pilot be over there twice especially a major? He's doing GPS stuff in case you were wondering. I'll shut my mouth now but I love that, you need to do more. I make like 50 grand a year what can I really do that isn't drastic?


Well-Known Member
i dont know guys ron paul said he wanted to eliminate the fbi & cia and also said we should leave the middle east just like osama said when he bitch slapped us and blowed up our wives and children on 9/11. Mr. Paul wants to turn tail and run!

I know it sounds nice to be able to pull away from the world, but then whos gonna keep all the despots, tyrants, rapists of nations, and starvers of children at bay. oh ya and dont forget about the ones who wanna nuke the whole western world.
Man that's what they want u to think. The Bush administration was responsible for 9/11. I know that sounds crazy but watch this movie called loose change on youtube its interesting. They want you to be afraid of terrorist so they can control you. Since the beginning of Mankind people have used fear to contol others, first it was religion( the fear of god). Obviously religion doesn't work in modern day America so it is my belief that now they have used the threat of terrorism to scare ppl and thereby control them. You got nothing to be afraid of man they're like the boogeyman. We need to get the fuck out of other countries and focus on America. We would be way better off and safer. I'm not saying terrorists don't exist, but don't u think we're creating more of them by terrorizing their country and killing thousands of innocent ppl? Remember the little kid over there who's dad was killed and mom was raped is going to grow up and be pissed at America.(And I'm not saying our soldiers are rapists and murderers but read the newspapers it happens, and probably 20x times more than its reported) Not to mention the thousands of lives lost by are brave men and women and the money we've spent on this war. If Bush gets what he's asking congress for the total amount spent so far would be 1 trillion dollars! That's fucking insane. We could of ended poverty in America instead of fight a rich man's war and create new terrorists.


New Member
Man that's what they want u to think. The Bush administration was responsible for 9/11. I know that sounds crazy but watch this movie called loose change on youtube its interesting. They want you to be afraid of terrorist so they can control you. Since the beginning of Mankind people have used fear to contol others, first it was religion( the fear of god). Obviously religion doesn't work in modern day America so it is my belief that now they have used the threat of terrorism to scare ppl and thereby control them. You got nothing to be afraid of man they're like the boogeyman. We need to get the fuck out of other countries and focus on America. We would be way better off and safer. I'm not saying terrorists don't exist, but don't u think we're creating more of them by terrorizing their country and killing thousands of innocent ppl? Remember the little kid over there who's dad was killed and mom was raped is going to grow up and be pissed at America.(And I'm not saying our soldiers are rapists and murderers but read the newspapers it happens, and probably 20x times more than its reported) Not to mention the thousands of lives lost by are brave men and women and the money we've spent on this war. If Bush gets what he's asking congress for the total amount spent so far would be 1 trillion dollars! That's fucking insane. We could of ended poverty in America instead of fight a rich man's war and create new terrorists.
Well said Iblaze, The only tool we have is the vote, and if the republikans have their way, they will use voting machines to remove that choice from us. Don't be at all surprized by a false flag attack just before elections so Juliani, (Bush on Steroids) can save us and continue the insanity. If that asshole gets elected, it will solidify the police state and this wonderful experiment, America, will be a distant memory, it will then be Amerika.


Well-Known Member
Well said Iblaze, The only tool we have is the vote, and if the republikans have their way, they will use voting machines to remove that choice from us. Don't be at all surprized by a false flag attack just before elections so Juliani, (Bush on Steroids) can save us and continue the insanity. If that asshole gets elected, it will solidify the police state and this wonderful experiment, America, will be a distant memory, it will then be Amerika.
Exactly. If Giuliani gets elected it will be just more of the same. He is Bush on steroids...He's going to capitalize on 9/11 and ppl's fear in terrorism just like Bush did and it's probably going to get him elected. It makes me:spew:


Master of Mayhem
There are no least there wasnt until we started invading one but the current administration is responsible for 9/ one is going to nuke us because they can't figure out how to launch missiles more than 20 miles......we can vote until we are blue in the face, and they will still put whoever the fuck they want in will take an all out revolution from the American people to change this fucked up country....its like FDR said:

"The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson"

and I still believe Guilliani will be the next president because of his heavy involvement in 9/11:bigjoint:


New Member
and I still believe Guilliani will be the next president because of his heavy involvement in 9/11:bigjoint:

God Help us. He is the worst possible candidate.


Well-Known Member
I agree whole heartily. Every one has given up, I don't think I know anyone who isn't family that votes any more... we have to remember.

It's all about the numbers. If ten of us march on the capital we get arrested. If five million of us march, they get arrested.