American Seed Banks that take credit cards


Well-Known Member
Went to place an order at James bean and they don't take credit cards anymore.

DC seed exchange doesn't either, that's the only way I'm buying beans, been doing it that way for 15 years.

There's gotta be an American company taking credit cards, how hard can it be to set up some phony companies to run credit cards through.
Went to place an order at James bean and they don't take credit cards anymore.

DC seed exchange doesn't either, that's the only way I'm buying beans, been doing it that way for 15 years.

There's gotta be an American company taking credit cards, how hard can it be to set up some phony companies to run credit cards through.

It's not that easy. If it was then everyone would be accepting credit cards. There are penalties for doing so if you get caught because you'll be lying to gain access to card processing services. It's not worth the hassle since most people that want to make a purchase will use the payment methods offered anyway. What I find odd is the lack of US seed banks that accept bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.
The fact that RIU gets crawled by Google and RIU posts show up in search results means that you may want to take discussions of this nature to DM or find that any banks listed here may not take credit cards much longer.

Cannabis businesses of any sort in the US are considered by credit card companies (and many banks) to be "high risk" as their accounts and assets can be frozen and stolen by the feds just for sneezing in the DEA's general direction. For this reason, most seed banks are finding they have to revert back to being "cash or blank money order" only. Like @xtsho said, the only way to accept credit right now is to have a separate, non-cannabis business that you process credit cards through (which violates your agreement with the credit card processing institution) or by using an overseas credit card processor (sketchy at best).

If you want more US seed banks to take credit cards, start putting pressure on your state's senators and representatives to completely decriminalize cannabis. No matter how many states have legalized cannabis, or that hemp farming has been legalized at the federal level, while marijuana is listed as a Schedule 1 drug, banks are going to stay far, far away from the risky side of it.
It's not that easy. If it was then everyone would be accepting credit cards. There are penalties for doing so if you get caught because you'll be lying to gain access to card processing services. It's not worth the hassle since most people that want to make a purchase will use the payment methods offered anyway. What I find odd is the lack of US seed banks that accept bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

Weed would still be illegal if us growers were scared to break some horseshit laws.
I still trip on the younger generations anxiety over mailing cash, lol. Nothing like losing $200 to some European merchant to cut your teeth in the black market.

Cryptocurrencies are very easy too, just as easy as reading your card number. You get an app like coinbase and buy coin. Then use that coin.

Easier than changing a tire!
I buy most of my csi gear from GLO these days. They take cards. They have other breeders too but the only ones I know off the top of my head are archive, Bodhi and cannarado. They always have good sales going too but their prices on the site don’t reject the sale. They send you with an invoice with updated prices and a link to pay after you submit order. If you’re interested, I can go grab their most recent “sale price” list from my email and share it
I buy most of my csi gear from GLO these days. They take cards. They have other breeders too but the only ones I know off the top of my head are archive, Bodhi and cannarado. They always have good sales going too but their prices on the site don’t reject the sale. They send you with an invoice with updated prices and a link to pay after you submit order. If you’re interested, I can go grab their most recent “sale price” list from my email and share it

Please do.
Start up a US seedbank. Accept credit cards.
You can sell seeds to the tens, upon tens, of people out there, who refuse to mail a money order.
You may even become a thousandaire.

Hey numbnuts, you think people prefer a money order or cash in the mail over a credit card?
I still trip on the younger generations anxiety over mailing cash, lol. Nothing like losing $200 to some European merchant to cut your teeth in the black market.

Cryptocurrencies are very easy too, just as easy as reading your card number. You get an app like coinbase and buy coin. Then use that coin.

Easier than changing a tire!

The only form of payment I've ever used to purchase seeds was bitcoin. Fortunately I didn't have to buy it. I already have bitcoin from mining activities over the years and from back in the day.

Start up a US seedbank. Accept credit cards.
You can sell seeds to the tens, upon tens, of people out there, who refuse to mail a money order.
You may even become a thousandaire.

And if the bank finds out they can close your account and you could have a very hard time recovering any funds you had in that account. Or if the feds find out and decide to make you an example they could go after you for money laundering and maybe even racketeering. That's unlikely but shit happens. The United States has more people in prison than any other country. At 2,193,798 incarcerated in the United States we are far in the lead to the second place country China with 1,548,498. I wouldn't want to risk becoming inmate number 2,193,799.
Please do.
It was too long to post here so I just pasted it into a .doc file and made it shareable.

I know this post is from a while back, but I wanted to chime in just in case you're still looking for an American seed bank that takes credit cards. First of all, I gotta say that using phony companies to run credit cards is a pretty risky move, so I wouldn't recommend it.

I use a cashapp card, move money to it when I buy seeds or grow equipment.