American wanting to buy seeds but attitude fails!

okay so this got a little off topic lol but thanks guys wont go with nirvana since theres nothing i really want from them and u say its a shitty bank this isnt the first time ive heard this either so continue with attitude and thanks i didnt think about the visa gift card from store this should work if not ill be back to the board lol thanks again guys
I think I am about to pull the trigger on my AT seed order. As soon as I get them I will post an update on how long it took and how much sleep I lost worrying about ordering to the good ol' (FREE) USA.
If you're having trouble with your card you can call Attitude and they will take your order and card info over the phone.
Have received orders from attitude, narvana, and a few others sites with no problems. None of them never took longer then 2 weeks even during the holidays.