Americans are really stupid

I said no such thing, you're confusing me with the way you feel about liberals as a whole.

I find the picture you posted offensive, and very telling about the way you may feel. No one that sees every person as an individual would post and stand by such a picture.

Maybe you did it for shock value? Maybe you just wanted to piss people off on a weed website? I don't know. But if that's the way you actually feel, that multiculturism is leading to the raping of "white women", then I feel you are mistaken. And so far away from MLK that your self proclaimed comparison is shockingly laughable and completely delusional.

Good of you to reply to the trash in a (semi) diplomatic manner. Canadians; always showing us up.

Wouldn't know.

Tough day to be a snowflake I imagine. Don't know what that feels like either. Tell me please.

Say snowflake again, Mike. It's the go-to term for retarded bigots.
Snowflake is term used by the Nazis to describe Jews ashes coming out of ovens.
So no...not really a "snowflake" but you sure are proving yourself to be quite the nazi.
That is the dumbest thing I have heard all day........ You win the award.

Have any historical proof of that, or are you just a lying scum bag?
Speaking of "sticking up for", it seems you've been getting a fair few 'likes' from a certain nazi narc/lifelong failure.....what happened with you?
When you first joined, it seemed like you might NOT be a racist inbreeder, tsk tsk tsk....

"We are the company we keep."
ok, ok, thanks for the chance to clarify; i am not sticking up for fddd so much as pointing out hypocrisy .
Fucking pussy. The hate you spew, then you say this. You are so disingenuous it's unbelievable.

what sock are you?
oh you just changed your avatar...
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yes it happened. Duh?

LOL, you called me mike..... That isn't racist. I call you Jose, and I am racist.

Liberal logic, pathetic

Do you wake up everyday looking for reasons to be offended? You must.

Once again, an acre of pot in California weather needs my attention. Good luck snowflakes.

Perfect. lol

You must be 50 still living with mom with lines like that. Nicely done.


This worn out old sock has lost it's entertainment value and devolved into tedium, sigh.