Americans are really stupid

Low value target

He was the one who said he was going to kill me. Then he bitched out, just like the 3 dozen others.

If snitches get stitches why I'm I not in a ditch? Who is it that actually gives out the stitches? Why haven't they given me any? If I'm really the snitch people try to claim me to be. It's been 5 years. All I see are shit talkers.
Please eat like that every day, and finish off the meal with five Pall Mall straights.

You deserve to be murdered.

I'm so tired of seeing rednecks, with their America is the greatest bullshit on TV.
Definitely none of their doing.

Wow, if America is full of stupid people, then what does that make you guys? Can't bring up any points on why America isn't great, then you sit around like little snowflakes talking smack behind a computer about things you guys are obliviously too simple to understand. You guys remind me of my 4 year old when she gets mad......Tries to say something, mid way through gets all frustrated and growls. You guys in a nut shell.

You guys are a bunch of racist people, talking bad about an entire group of people. You should all be ashamed. The hate is overwhelming, it truly unbelievable. Little Hitlers or Iran's in this thread, except in stead of killing Jews, it's Americans. Despicable snowflakes internet tough guys.

I'm so tired of seeing rednecks, with their America is the greatest bullshit on TV.
Definitely none of their doing.

Racist asshole!

What if I said, "I am so tired of seeing blacks, with their BLM bullshit on tv........?

How does that make you feel? Pathetic.
Wow, if America is full of stupid people, then what does that make you guys? Can't bring up any points on why America isn't great, then you sit around like little snowflakes talking smack behind a computer about things you guys are obliviously too simple to understand. You guys remind me of my 4 year old when she gets mad......Tries to say something, mid way through gets all frustrated and growls. You guys in a nut shell.

You guys are a bunch of racist people, talking bad about an entire group of people. You should all be ashamed. The hate is overwhelming, it truly unbelievable. Little Hitlers or Iran's in this thread, except in stead of killing Jews, it's Americans. Despicable snowflakes internet tough guys.

Nobody is killing anyone on this site that I know of, and there was a link in the OP. In that link, it explains how foreign students in America view American education. For them, American schools (public and private) are sports incubators and Americans ages 6-18 spend almost all of their time on their devices and/or watching television, which is unlike the experiences of the foreign exchange students in their home nations.

I guess you like all of us benefit from American global hegemony. That will come to an end in the next 20 years because Americans just aren't smart enough to keep that up.

Where or what do we fault for this? Parenting, schools, institutions of higher education (especially schools of education), and Americans' insistence on shit being easy all of the time.
Nobody is killing anyone on this site that I know of, and there was a link in the OP. In that link, it explains how foreign students in America view American education. For them, American schools (public and private) are sports incubators and Americans ages 6-18 spend almost all of their time on their devices and/or watching television, which is unlike the experiences of the foreign exchange students in their home nations.

I guess you like all of us benefit from American global hegemony. That will come to an end in the next 20 years because Americans just aren't smart enough to keep that up.

Where or what do we fault for this? Parenting, schools, institutions of higher education (especially schools of education), and Americans' insistence on shit being easy all of the time.
Did you miss my quotes, where people are talking about killing Americans? Your Mom tells you your special huh?

Funny perspective you have. "Americans just aren't smart enough to keep that up" LOL but they are smart enough to be the dominate world power for over a century. lol. What does that make every single other country in the world then? lol!!!!!! Your logic is astounding.