Americans are really stupid

Did you miss my quotes, where people are talking about killing Americans? Your Mom tells you your special huh?

Funny perspective you have. "Americans just aren't smart enough to keep that up" LOL but they are smart enough to be the dominate world power for over a century. lol. What does that make every single other country in the world then? lol!!!!!! Your logic is astounding.


Boiled corned beef is horrible- I roast them on a rack in the oven in a tinfoil tent and they are awesome
Next time try simmering the meat in a pot of beef stock, Guinness, onion, carrots, garlic, some clove, bay leaves and peppercorns. Remove the meat when almost completely done. and finish under the broiler fat side up with a coating of granulated brown sugar.
Serve with a sauce of horseradish, sour cream, mayonnaise and mustard mixed together, and now you are eating corned beef. Oh, also cook the potatoes and the cabbage in the same pot until complete. (my own recipe, and it is very nice)
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The only good republican is a DEAD republican.
Says the pussy from behind a computer screen..... lol.

What I find funny, is everybody in this thread that is just being a bully, has no hope. How many of you guys live at home with mom? Don't answer, just realize how pathetic you are. How many of you guys don't have a job? How many of you guys have a job that pays less than 20 an hour? How many of you guys don't own a house outright, let alone own a house at all? How many of you guys have a girlfriend/boyfriend or are married? How many hours a week do you spend playing World of Warcraft?

Carry on, moms basement dwellers.

What I find funny, is everybody in this thread that is just being a bully, has no hope. How many of you guys live at home with mom? Don't answer, just realize how pathetic you are. How many of you guys don't have a job? How many of you guys have a job that pays less than 20 an hour? How many of you guys don't own a house outright, let alone own a house at all? How many of you guys have a girlfriend/boyfriend or are married? How many hours a week do you spend playing World of Warcraft?

Carry on, moms basement dwellers.

What a compelling argument. You are a real wit.
for the record, another day goes by with my 10 reasons for America being great goes unchallenged. This might be why the rest of the world will never catch up, cant even verbalize your arguments. lol.
yea, hit home huh?

Says a guy that can't refute my 10 points on why America is great, but yea, use my last comment as my Don't even try to argue my actual point though........ Fake ass fool.
You had no points to argue. And this ten point thing... what the fuck are you even on about? You seem to think somebody out there gives a fuck about your opinion and, from where I sit, you don't seem the type that is actually open for debate in any sort of real way. to me you seem like an angry guy who never progressed past the fifth grade including the fact that you are entirely unaware of your own shortcomings.

It is tempting to crawl back through your shitpile of posts to see what your ten points of American greatness are but not tempting enough. It feels like it would be kind of like watching a two hour interview with Ted Nugent. And ultimately there would be no point to trying to refute your "argument" since it is likely based on a shallow understanding of pretty much anything. Don't tell me, point 1 is "America, fuck yea!". Sorry, I know better than to try and convince the mentally feeble that they are wrong - it is more fun to just point and laugh.