Americans will start being microchipped in 3 years


Well-Known Member
This is starting to get good.
Not that it makes any difference, but I have had many conversations with Mr Bong about his choice in expletives.

This being one of his poorer choices.

But, it's really about the intention. He may as well have said "cock-sucker" or "ass-hat" for all it meant to him.

I can almost guarantee there will be an argument over that ONE word that will last for hours. hahaha

Wake me up when it's over, I don't like arguments over syntax.


Well-Known Member
This is the reply of our local genius? Really? This is the guy that is spooging his great intellect on all of us? Another mind that's too smart for school?

Nice of you to post so that we all know the true depths of your intellectual vastness.
He's a 19 year old Newfie, who was drunk when he posted that.


Raise your hand if you didn't say some dumb-ass shit when you were 19......

(no one??? No hands raised? Just as I thought...)


Well-Known Member
But he's a fucking genius, he said. Don't such intellectual gladiators learn these simple things by the time they're like three?

Me, I'm an acknowledged idiot, so I don't understand things so good sometimes...


Well-Known Member
But he's a fucking genius, he said. Don't such intellectual gladiators learn these simple things by the time they're like three?

Me, I'm an acknowledged idiot, so I don't understand things so good sometimes...

Well, I can't talk for someone that isn't here.

I can be smart in some ways, and dumb as hell in others. I really like internet Giffies though.

I also make up words on the internet, often. Some people might think that makes me dumb. I think it's fun, and I think those people can eat a bag of dicks.

What were we talking about?


Well-Known Member
I think we were discussing the oceans of thought Bongwater provides. He was kind enough to beam down from the mothership. He grew tired of everyone up there discussing his immortal ken, so he decided to visit with us so we could discuss his galactic insights.

All by the age of 19. Jesus crispies. Fuck, when I was 19 I was brewing beer in the back of the genetics lab where I worked. Pffft... and those guys thought they were smart. I wish Bongwater was around then to properly set the intellectual bar for us.


Well-Known Member
I think we were discussing the oceans of thought Bongwater provides. He was kind enough to beam down from the mothership. He grew tired of everyone up there discussing his immortal ken, so he decided to visit with us so we could discuss his galactic insights.

All by the age of 19. Jesus crispies. Fuck, when I was 19 I was brewing beer in the back of the genetics lab where I worked. Pffft... and those guys thought they we smart. I wish Bongwater was around then to properly set the intellectual bar for us.
Id rather talk about boobs and assholes.


Well-Known Member
But I AM talking about assholes. For sure
I don't care who you want to pick on, but he's doesn't seem to be here to defend himself. Pick on me!!!

If you would like, it would Appear that maybe Pinworm is drawing attention to times of the past that I have used the term "faggot" in a manner that seems to have been offensive to him.

I'm open for a discussion.

Did you ever meet that lovely treat Swarthy Schlong? Fuck I can't even remember what I said to that guy. But I definitely called him some names, that's for sure!


Well-Known Member
Every single one of my post are "drunk ass post" including this oneo_O
Yeah that might be.

But I don't think a lynch mob follows you around after quoting you back to yourself.

Or DO they? I don't ever really know what's going on here. Something to do with weed though....I think?