Amperage requirement?


Well-Known Member
If you were having electric put into a commercial building, how many amps worth of service would you want to handle 16-20 lights, a/c, dehum's, pumps, fans, etc? I know the general calculations for amperage based on wattage and I know a regular 200amp service probably isn't going to cut it. Lights and 5 tons of A/C alone will run ~140-150 amps worth of service. My landlord is having seperate metered electric brought in to a few commercial buildings (each around 1500 sq ft) on my property and just trying to make sure that there's enough in each one if I "happen to decide" to do anything with these down the road.


Well-Known Member
+1 400amp 3 phase box. Make sure the line from the street to the box is copper, not aluminum