Amsterdam closing coffee shops


Well-Known Member
Its actually more liberal. They are going to legitimize the growers, so as to further eliminate the black market in their highly regulated marijauna industry. It comes from a big push by the more profitable coffee shops to push out their less profitable competition. The amount of pot available will not flux and people will still legally be able to buy it.


Well-Known Member
been der twice .. and going back in march was talkin to the guy in the cannabis college and he was sayin the same fin . ther goverment is tryin to do away with the smoke ho's and sex shows . but word on the grape vine is that barcelona is going to be the up in cumin amsterdam .


Well-Known Member
ya i read about this. shit sucks. I also heard about a year ago that there tryin to get rid of all the shops. Who knows though.. hopfully thats not the case.