Amsterdam seed company

just a heads up,ordered white widow seeds from this outfit,they came, I germanated as always, nothing happened.After they finally figured they were not dealing with a brain dead stoner they offered to ship me more if I paid them cash by registered mail.
WTF is this anyway to handle this would like to hear if anyone else has had troubles.

Big Budd

Active Member
I bought 5 fem white rhino from a store in ontario 2 popped 3 did not, went back talked to the dude and asked if he would replace them. He told me to take it up with greenhouse seeds, like their going to give a shit. 120 bucks down the drain and all i got is one plant under veg. I'm in my fiftys and been growing for a very long time so it's not like i just strarted. These guys are a complete rip off, they get the seeds from the UK and mark them up so high it's not funny..fuck em...Different Strokes in Waterloo ontario if anyone goes there. Best thing to do buy them direct from the Uk, get a strain you like and keep mums going and of luck.


Active Member
'Sorry we sent you crap. How about you send us more money and we will send you more crap?"

I would indeed try Greenhouse seeds. I've had this experience a couple of times and found that the breeder is often more responsive than the seedbank. After all his rep is at stake.


Sector 5 Moderator
I have bought Greenhouse seeds from the Attitude. Attitude is the distributor so they have a LOT of clout when you have a problem. Attitude and Nirvana are our sponsors here and they pay mega bucks for us to have this great forum. Please support them whenever possible.


just a heads up,ordered white widow seeds from this outfit,they came, I germanated as always, nothing happened.After they finally figured they were not dealing with a brain dead stoner they offered to ship me more if I paid them cash by registered mail.
WTF is this anyway to handle this would like to hear if anyone else has had troubles.
I ordered 20 seeds, 10 white rhino and a mixed bag of indoor seeds. Out of 9 seeds 4 didn't germinate and 4 where male. Their online reviews don't mean shit. I didn't even bother to contact them. Just won't buy from them again. I seem to remember that some mj site recommended them which is why I bought from them in the first place. Maybe we need to spread the word.


Sector 5 Moderator
There are independent seedbank rating sites. I forgot the name of the one that I used a lot; maybe someone else will chime in.