

Well-Known Member
whats the new law in amsterdam with the smoking ban now i was told you could smoke raw blunts and bongs only no tabbaco allowed also some1 said that coffe shops were only going to be selling to the locals is this bullshit i hope it is the arse would fall out of the dam then the country would be broke without ourinput to it with tourists any what is the law now any one


Well-Known Member
first half is true, the second isn't. You have to smoke the sweet leaf pure now (which you should anyway you nicotine-addicted bastard). Technically that means no blunts (tobacco wrap ya know) and no spliffs (the term I hear used for mixed tobacco + ganj in a j) but everything else is a go.

as for them just selling to locals, I've heard nothing of the sort.


Well-Known Member
wait can't smoke tobacco products in Amsterdam?? how come?
just in certain places, like here in the US. But I think it might include all public places except designated smoking areas. not sure.

I'm not too sure mostly because A- I don't mix and B- I don't see myself in amsterdam anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
About the smoking ban i heard about that a few years back....I think it was something they were going to try but fuck man i think they thought about how much money they were gonna lose out on. Bastards try to hold it in front of your face just to take it away


Well-Known Member
went there a month ago, you are technically not allowed to smoke tobacco in joints and the give a free herbal substitute that tastes like shit..... however every coffeeshop i went to including the big commercial ones turn a blind eye to it.... keep your pack of fags under the table don't make it obvious and its absolutely fine... some places route 99 and some bulldog cafe's even have a smoking rooms where the staff arn't allowed in so you can smoke tobacco (as its not detrimental to the staffs health)
there is also talk about not being able to purchase magic mushrooms there anymore this is also false, can still buy them with no hassle in most smart shops.....
def getting tighter out there but still amazing!


Well-Known Member

heres ur answer.

there is a smoking ban. u cannot smoke tobacco indoors. u can walk round outside smoking a cig. your not supposed to but if u mind ur own business and leave every1 else alone then they will leave u alone

and no, the 2nd bit u mentioned was jsut a rumour. i think they were thinking about it but it will never happen. u got nothing to worry about.

i got all that information from a brit that lived in amsterdam. i managed to chat to him when i went there last. he filled me in on the situation.

ur fine m8.

have a nice time.


Well-Known Member
Ok... lets think about this one... Amsterdam - how many stoners visit each year? $$$$ tourists? They are not ever only going too sell too the locals as far as weed. They live for the business of tourists.