Amy Winehouse R.I.P.


Well-Known Member
No, fats, i didnt start a post saying America and AMericans suck ass and USA ways are bad!!!!! i dont see why you mention this!!!!! am i complaining how the french do things over there in franceland?

Yes and you would never have been a country with out the Frenchs support. You seem to forget that. Once again open a book.


dude, are you saying that cocaine does not have an iron grip? So crack is made from?

I have no pity for addicts', i have seen what an addict can do to their family and as such do not deserve any special treatment, such as sympathy! Treatment to treat their addiction, well yes, but special treatment as in rehab to help their family, then yes...
Cocaine is a dirty, disgusting drug and it presents itself as one. I've done it virtually every way imaginable: sublingual, insufflated, vaporized\inhaled (crack) and intravenous. It's too racy; too stimulating and edgy (although it can feel good at the same time). The more immediate the ROA the more intense the effects and the more intense the crash (and thus craving when positive effects abide). Here is what would happen to me when I injected cocaine: you never know how much of the crap to do in one shot but however much you have available to you you're going to inject it until you run out. It hits you hard with an incredibly intense wave of euphoria, you feel like a freight train traveling at the speed of light and all of your senses are amplified. Then you quickly plummet to the ground and become increasingly nervous, agitated and all around dysphoric; this often prompts you to want to use more cocaine as soon as possible again and again until you realize you're out of stuff, your arms are sore and\or numb and riddled with holes.
At that point [for me] it becomes quite clear that what you just spent god knows how long doing wasn't a bright idea, and that you should probably never ever do that again. Cocaine just has a rough comedown (and street coke is dirty, it isn't just cocaine) which makes way for fairly intense craving immediately after the euphoria goes away (crack and IV are notorious for this). Even so, that dysphoric comedown sub-sides almost entirely within the hour, but you'll have a hard time convincing yourself you're going to be okay in the mean time. After all is said and done you might realize retrospectively that cocaine isn't your kind of drug- even if you had been putting it in your arm repeatedly over the course of several hours the previous evening.

That is the essential dynamic of the cocaine experience from my perspective. Some people just smoke crack cocaine and don't do any other 'hard' drugs (such as heroin) because they know the cocaine wont leave them with physical withdrawals over time and\or they think the heroin is worse. There are other drugs in various forms and even more ways to become addicted to them. Each drug has it's own dynamic, culture and complications which is important to remember. Heroin presented itself to me the opposite way than cocaine did. It just made me feel warm and fuzzy all over- no crash, no immediate\intense cravings: that all develops quite gradually and insidiously. Depending on your usage patterns for 12-24 hours after your last use you will begin to feel physically sick:

Few drug addicts ask for sympathy; but we're talking blatant disdain here. You want to have certain feelings towards a certain drug addict for certain things they have done, whatever- but you cant automatically assume that every drug addict is scum, doesn't try to be a decent person, intends to hurt their family, so on and so fourth that is bullshit. From the addicts perspective they never asked to be born and the whole of society is fucked and ridiculous. Many drug addicts also have good families, good jobs and pay taxes- just like a lot of cannabis smokers. You just can't presume exactly why a person uses\how they became addicted to drugs and conclude it must be due some character defect. Maybe the addict just sees too much defunct defect, hypocrisy and bullshit in everybody else around them and has a hard time convincing them self that they fit into this world at all- might as well feel good until you inevitably die. Is that necessarily right? Nope. But neither are you.


Well-Known Member
agghhhh!!!!! NOt this again!!!!!

I thought we already went through this bro!!!!!

i aint gunna get into another debate about things like that!:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:

why do you think it should be a man and a woman? who or what taught you that that was the natural way? because nature says otherwise...


Well-Known Member
i never said i was correct now did i? So i dont see why you get all mad!

Cocaine is a dirty, disgusting drug and it presents itself as one. I've done it virtually every way imaginable: sublingual, insufflated, vaporized\inhaled (crack) and intravenous. It's too racy; too stimulating and edgy (although it can feel good at the same time). The more immediate the ROA the more intense the effects and the more intense the crash (and thus craving when positive effects abide). Here is what would happen to me when I injected cocaine: you never know how much of the crap to do in one shot but however much you have available to you you're going to inject it until you run out. It hits you hard with an incredibly intense wave of euphoria, you feel like a freight train traveling at the speed of light and all of your senses are amplified. Then you quickly plummet to the ground and become increasingly nervous, agitated and all around dysphoric; this often prompts you to want to use more cocaine as soon as possible again and again until you realize you're out of stuff, your arms are sore and\or numb and riddled with holes.
At that point [for me] it becomes quite clear that what you just spent god knows how long doing wasn't a bright idea, and that you should probably never ever do that again. Cocaine just has a rough comedown (and street coke is dirty, it isn't just cocaine) which makes way for fairly intense craving immediately after the euphoria goes away (crack and IV are notorious for this). Even so, that dysphoric comedown sub-sides almost entirely within the hour, but you'll have a hard time convincing yourself you're going to be okay in the mean time. After all is said and done you might realize retrospectively that cocaine isn't your kind of drug- even if you had been putting it in your arm repeatedly over the course of several hours the previous evening.

That is the essential dynamic of the cocaine experience from my perspective. Some people just smoke crack cocaine and don't do any other 'hard' drugs (such as heroin) because they know the cocaine wont leave them with physical withdrawals over time and\or they think the heroin is worse. There are other drugs in various forms and even more ways to become addicted to them. Each drug has it's own dynamic, culture and complications which is important to remember. Heroin presented itself to me the opposite way than cocaine did. It just made me feel warm and fuzzy all over- no crash, no immediate\intense cravings: that all develops quite gradually and insidiously. Depending on your usage patterns for 12-24 hours after your last use you will begin to feel physically sick:

Few drug addicts ask for sympathy; but we're talking blatant disdain here. You want to have certain feelings towards a certain drug addict for certain things they have done, whatever- but you cant automatically assume that every drug addict is scum, doesn't try to be a decent person, intends to hurt their family, so on and so fourth that is bullshit. From the addicts perspective they never asked to be born and the whole of society is fucked and ridiculous. Many drug addicts also have good families, good jobs and pay taxes- just like a lot of cannabis smokers. You just can't presume exactly why a person uses\how they became addicted to drugs and conclude it must be due some character defect. Maybe the addict just sees too much defunct defect, hypocrisy and bullshit in everybody else around them and has a hard time convincing them self that they fit into this world at all- might as well feel good until you inevitably die. Is that necessarily right? Nope. But neither are you.


Well-Known Member
i did it like this

i did it like that

i did it with a wiffle ball bat

... :hump:



i never said i was correct now did i? So i dont see why you get all mad![/COLOR]
I wasn't aware you could see me. Anyways, if you suppose addiction is due entirely to weakness or character defect you're wrong. Opioid use leads to neuroadaptation, your brain becomes dependent on opioids as the endogenous opioid receptor system and enkephalin\endorphin production becomes fundamentally altered. The drug addict is now using to feel normal; otherwise they would feel no pleasure at all.

Also I wonder, do you smoke cannabis due to a character defect?
nah, bro non taken! Well i do live by a war zone, except, im not really in the main place where all the gun battles take place! I can hear them a few miles away all the time and its pretty amazing how those big guns resonate throughout the night. I have seen what that has done to plenty of people. I have had friends and family displaced because of all the bullshit that is happening... ONe of my cousins was eating one day at a local restaurant, some random dudes paid for her and my aunts meal, when they left, the dudes told them, "we paid for your meal, now your daughter will pay us back."

Yes, you are not the only that has suffered because of war n

listen bro, i dont have anything against, you, the only thing i find wrong is that you care to side with a stupid fucking bitch talking all this shit about the US and our Fallen SOLDIERS! Im a cool guy, but you fuck with my country and you fuck with me! i stick to my country cause my country has everything to offer here, i dont have a feeling that will only get satisfied if i travel to discover the world... the rest of the world for all i care is filled with terrorists' and people that are dumb...

Im glad i made you laugh, i too had a few laughs as welll! Im not talking shit about where you work, what i was saying is that you talk down about the US, yet you still want to work here. Isnt that going against what you are saying here?
awI dont claim to be the only one. However, I think America doesnt think long term. America is a short term focused society examples credit card debt, Iraq war(kick ass right away thentake names). Also were you in a bad neigborhood? Is that what you mean? If your talking about living in Compton or in an inner city. That is a joke compared to a trained and paid full time militia doing a house by house search on a search and destroy mission. Im not blaiming everything on America, I do think that America needs a reality check thats all. All Im saying is America is not what it is. I dont think Ive blamed any of my problems on America?
No, fats, i didnt start a post saying America and AMericans suck ass and USA ways are bad!!!!! i dont see why you mention this!!!!! am i complaining how the french do things over there in franceland?
No but you said (not exact quote I realize) if it wasnt for america you would be Nazis. The same logic can be applied to America and France. I was trying to make the point that your point is as irrelevant as mine. Past herorics do not give you a get out jail free card. Thats all.

Reason for edit: Sorry to bring this up again. Also sorry to hear about your friends sister.


New Member
They try and make me go to rehab but I say no no no. Then I go home, inject heroin and die die die