An apology,,and Karma...

buddha webb

New Member
I,who am myself,
would like to apologise for my unnsuccesfull thread about spelling words backwards,,,,,,anyway,,,before,, i was off to buy myself some new running shoes,expensive running shoes to encourage me to run more,when a dog ran out in front of me and i crashed a little bit,just scrapes,stop worrying about me im fine.I was on my Honda click,which is my scooter-motor bike...................BANG CRASH THOUGHTATTACK...i just started to think because i got angered at a few responses to my unenjoyed thread,this may have been a case of KARMA???.....i thought bad........ SLLIIIIIDDDDDDEEEEEEEE DDIIRRTTTT,,SSSCCCCRRRAAPPES.............karma?...maybe

Im never angered,and you see what happens....maybe????? dogs fine "$%"&"..........B


RIU Bulldog
ah don't mention it. besides, whatever you write can't be as useless as the threads finny starts.

buddha webb

New Member
Appreciated Beansly,Fin has a way with words..he will go very far!!

I have to hold back at threads cos im aware were all different,but its the differences that make the threads work!!!!

right....gonna start one on................"why do i always smell pussy at picnics"..........B i wont

buddha webb

New Member
The Sativa here is so magic...really..7 yrs and each new harvest i forget how nice and punchy this smoke stuck on a hill,but i believe if you where in a urban location and you smoke the weed i have here,,you may......if you were in a bar and went outside to smoke a joint,when you had finished you wouldnt get back in cos youd be so very very very high you would almost definately try scratch up some banter with the door or,,,,,,wall..

PUNCHY Chatty Lemony spicey floraly peppersome!!!but mostly citrus smell and taste with a PUNCH hit,,with coffee same as Crack!!(which i was accused of partaking in the other day,which was the catalyst for the anger,which is why i crashed on the way to buy running shoes!)


Well I liked it LMFAO a chance to talk random utter nonsense mahn why the feck you saying sorry for that? :) .. being new here I find it strange there being no threads where one can just spout utter shite, have a craic and all that. if that thread already exists would appreciate a link cus you cant beat a bit of billy bolox and some people you just cant please so why bother trying to? feck em each and every single on of em, what fucks me right off is nowadays we have squares and chavs toking the sacred herb and yet they appear to remain closed, boxed in their tiny little worlds... for me the green has and always will be about peace and free thought... maybe thats why its illegal?

buddha webb

New Member
thats right!!

im a hippy at heart 40,and weed has always been based around the peacefull its blunts bitches bad boy mothafucka bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Ursus marijanus
I have no idea why you would want to apologize about a playful inoffensive thread, Buddha Webb. It took me amoment to "get it", but then it made me smile. cn