AN Connoisseur A+B, Bud Blood, Big Bug, Carboload question


Well-Known Member
Last thing I will bother responding to, you know the story is bull shit, you choose to ignore that. Enjoy using a 7 yr old girl as a sales pitch. Il be on the Dynagro thread later and would enjoy your company so we can continue discussing what a bunch of low life scum bags Dynagro has working for them.
Yeah, you know it's bullshit when you can only get the testimonies of 7 witnesses and the opinions of 2 forensic experts :roll:.


Well-Known Member
Lol, that was actually a pretty good link, I rather enjoyed the fact that a grower is supplying a link that is sponsored by an anti drug smuggling campaign, what growers here have been given federal approval to grow? I know I havent. So if we are all breaking federal law and growing an illegal plant, we are all what?


Well-Known Member
I can't wait until the government gets total control over who gets to be druglords and who gets to be consumers. CO is already going down this route. I also don't see why potheads are so thrilled about having to pay tax now too. Fuck that. Now anyone who fakes illness to get a medical card is a tax evader, not just trying to get his favorite plant. Why should they get a lower tax rate?

(this is the politics section, right?)

Lol, that was actually a pretty good link, I rather enjoyed the fact that a grower is supplying a link that is sponsored by an anti drug smuggling campaign, what growers here have been given federal approval to grow? I know I havent. So if we are all breaking federal law and growing an illegal plant, we are all what?


Well-Known Member
Last thing I will bother responding to, you know the story is bull shit, you choose to ignore that. Enjoy using a 7 yr old girl as a sales pitch. Il be on the Dynagro thread later and would enjoy your company so we can continue discussing what a bunch of low life scum bags Dynagro has working for them.
My favorite part of the video ( is Gino fake crying in the background. Or he's really crying because he knows ChoMos have a rough time in the can.


Well-Known Member
Accused of raping kids? Woody allens adopted daughter says he started raping her when she was 6-7, are we seriously going to make a list of rich people who get accused? It happens all the time and just goes away, thats why they get accused in the first place, its easier to pay em off then fight it. Point being, once again a statement was made by a Dynagro salesman that wasnt entirely true, is the owner of AN charged with raping a child? No. Mike is the sole owner of AN, has been for a bit, you know that. So maybe you should have been truthful instead of spreading half truths. I usually dont have a problem with what you say but that was a deceptive statement used for the sole purpose to further your agenda. You always say you dont care who uses AN yet you guys are always on the AN threads, another deceptive statement used to further your agenda. I actually enjoy it because now, im sitting my happy ass down on Dynagro threads talkin about food a other dribble is actually kinda fun. We can all fuck threads up, only difference is you guys do it to pimp a product, I dont.
Rpman polanski also comes to mind.


Well-Known Member
What's bullshit is you continuing this line of rhetoric.

I don't care about what is POSSIBLY TRUE, I care about the truth.

Its not true till a court says so, I guess you would want a lynch mob to take him and hang him now?

before he is judged?

Now I'm sure your just Dumb.

Guilty, I say Death
not convicted in court. You want to convict him in RIU?

Maybe he is not guilty??

let the courts determine that, I'm out.

Nice Nuggs

New Member
Have to disagree with the cal mag comment! I have had major cal-mag deficiency and had to ad Botanicare cal-mag, cleared it right up.


Well-Known Member
how did my nutrient thread turn into a rape case? maybe i need to find a new forum....fucking weirdo freaks


Well-Known Member
how did my nutrient thread turn into a rape case? maybe i need to find a new forum....fucking weirdo freaks
the whole rape thing came up cause you asked about an advanced product and homebrewer feels it's his duty to talk everyone out of using advanced despite evidence that it's actually cheaper and better than the nutrient which he recommends; dynagro. this time he decided to talk about some rape charge in Bulgaria which may or may not be true. I can't even understand what they are saying in the video and honestly could give 2 shits.